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"Byul..." I breathe out as I look around the living room.

"Bonjour!" She says happily as she grabs my hand and pulls me into a tight hug before she kisses me on each cheek.

"Bonjour," I reply back to her but I'm still in shock.

"Can I see your passport please, ma'am?" Moonbyul states with a serious face.

"I don't carry it on me Byul," I tell her.

"Hmmm, that may cause a problem because I can't let you in without it," She replies while looking around and then dropping my hands.

I laugh as she cocks her head to the side and frowns. "Well, maybe you can grab it for me then?" I suggest. "I can tell you exactly where it is in the bedroom."

Moonbyul quickly shakes her head. "I don't want to rummage through your personal things."

"It's not rummaging Byul, it's just in the drawer under my leggings in a red box," I tell her with a smile.

"I have a better idea," Moonbyul says with a smile as she pulls a small black book out of her back pocket. "Why don't you use this one instead?" She says as she hands me the book, which has a picture of us on the cover of it.

It was a picture we took together on one of our midnight strolls through the park. Moonbyul is on my back and holding me tightly as I look up at her and smile. She's looking down at me with the biggest smile ever. It may sound sappy but we look so in love in the picture. We were on one of our "dork dates". We dubbed the name "dork dates" one night when we decided to dress completely alike, from head to toe, and go for a walk. We ended up on a scavenger hunt that Moonbyul made up as we went along, so I had no clue what we were looking for. One of the items on Byul's imaginary list was for me to run through the park with her on my back and then get a complete stranger that was wearing a red coat to take our picture. After 20 minutes of me running through the cold, we finally found an older woman who was walking her dog to take our picture. Our faces are completely glowing and I don't know if it's from the moon or the freezing temperature or the love that we have for each other but it's definitely one of my favorite pictures of us. I have a copy on my phone and look at it all the time. That was definitely one of the best nights with Byul, I love it when we just let everything go and goof off with one another.

"What is this?" I ask her as I run my hand over the small book and look up at her.

"That is your special 'MoonSun' passport. You'll need it to get you in quite a few places," Moonbyul explains as she picks up a date stamp from the table by the front door and stamps the first page, she writes Paris in a heart underneath and hands it back to me.

"What's Moonsun?" I ask her slowly with a smile.

"It's a mashup of our names, like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are Brangelina, and Ummm, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are Bennifer, and Kim K and Kanye are Kimye," She explains and she blushes.

"I like it," I laugh out. "Moonsun works for me," I tell her.

"Welcome to Paris, Yongsun," She says with a smile as she grabs my hand and leads me further into the living room, which is covered in white felt on the floor. There are 2 white satin pillows on top of a pallet Byul put together on the floor and there are white lights everywhere. Moonbyul has a huge replica of the Eiffel Tower which I'm scared to ask how much it cost and where did she get it from. It was right in the middle of the living room. She has lights streaming through it as well and there is a neon sign on the wall that is blinking Paris.

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