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August 29th 2021

Lance was woken up by the alarm on his phone blaring at him. "Ughhh it's already time to get up." Lance groaned not wanting to leave the comfort and warmth of his bed. He rose slowly trying not to wake the two men he was sleeping in between. His plan didn't go well. Both of the men stirring and stretching greeting Lance with kisses on his cheeks. "Good morning Sunshine." Shiro's husky voice said to Lance. "Good morning babe." Keith said as he kisses Lance again on his cheek. "Good morning my loves." Lance was now out of bed and was heading to the bathroom. "We'll go wake up the kids." Shiro said gesturing to Keith to come with him as they headed to the door.

Once they shut the door Shiro pulled Keith over to the side. "Hey what's going on?" Keith asked looking at Shiro confused. "We got approved." Shiro said letting the words just flow out of his mouth at fast pace. "WE DID!" Keith yelled barley being able to contain his excitement. "Shhhh..... yeah we did I got the call last night. I wanted it to be a surprise for Lance and the kids later on this evening." Shiro said barely being able to contain his excitement himself. "We could have a family dinner at Hunk's place at around 6:30. That way we don't have to work around any of the kids practices." Keith thought off the top of his head. "Great idea babe. I'll make the reservation after morning practice today." Shiro said smiling and giving Keith a kiss on the cheek. Shiro went to wake up Ariel while Keith went upstairs to wake up Cas and Mateo.

Shiro knocked on the door before coming in knowing that Airel usually set an alarm to wake herself up in the morning to no avail most of the time. But considering this was there first day of high school she was probably up with excitement and nervousness. "Come in." Airel's voice rang throughout her room. Shiro opened the door smiling at his only daughter. "Morning my beautiful girl." He said as he walked over and sat on her beanbag chair. "How are you feeling about today?" Shiro asked kinda walking on eggshells with the subject. "Well I don't know, I feel pretty fine. It's just school right?" Airel said as if she was asking herself the question. "It'll be great! Just be yourself and always know you can call me if things go a little south." Shiro said as he got up. "Thanks dad." Airel turned toward her dad. Shiro looking into her hazel eyes and giving her a reassuring smile.

"Also didn't you say something about morning practice today?" Airel said knowing her dad forgets about his morning team workouts. "Oh shoot!" Shiro said as he began to head for the door. "I totally forgot. I was just talking about that with your father too. I'm getting old." Shiro face palmed but before heading out Airel stoped him. "One more thing dad." She quickly walked over to her dad. Giving him a tight hug which he revived and tightly hugged back. "Thank you dad...really." Airel said as she looked up at him with a big smile on her face. "No problem pumpkin." Shiro said "I gotta get going now before your mom gets to yelling at me." Shiro said about to walk out of the door rolling his eyes playfully "I heard that." Lance said as he giggled. "I- thats my cue." He then walked out of the room headed to his.

"Hey you two time to get upppp!!" Keith yelled as he walked into Cas and Mateo's shared room. "Ughhh do we have to wake up.." Mateo groaned "I mean if you don't want your mom to come up here. I would definitely recommend it." Keith said as he leaned against their door arms crossed. "Fineeeee... You might want to stress that to Cas he's... still asleep." Mateo said as he got up and went to the bathroom starting his day. Keith went over to the other side of the room lightly shaking Cas. "Cas... it's time to get up." Keith looked at the boy knowing he was faking sleep. "I guess I'll just get Lance up here then." Keith got up off of the bed and eyed Cas. Usually that worked "La-." Keith began to say before being cut off from Cas who finally decided to give up his act. "I'm up I'm up.... Do I really have to go dad you know I really really don't like first days. Not to mention the first day of high school." Cas spat out panicking." Keith day back in his son's bed ruffling his dark brown curls that sat sprawled on his head. "Son you're making this a bigger deal then it is. I promise that it'll feel better once your there. Now it might take some getting use to but your siblings will be there to help you through it. So you just need to focus about one thing at a time ok." Keith smiled at his son who returned one to him as well. "Right now what you need to focus on is being down stairs on time." Keith said "oh shi..... I mean shoot shoot. Yeah I'll be ready soon." Cas said as he jumped out of the bed hurrying to his closet to pick out something to wear. Keith began walking to the door thinking about how Cas definitely got his mouth from him.

Sorry this chapter took so long looking forward to the next. Let me know if you guys like this one. Thanks for reading.

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