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"First period was ok, second pretty good, third I had class with Mateo so it went pretty well. Now all I have to do is wait for fourth." Airel said as she sat with the others at an lunch table that was outside. "I still think we should go back to six periods in a day." Airel's long time friend Elise told her. "Why? So you can have shorter periods." Alexa exclaimed knowing she also wishes they had six periods for the same reason. "Uhhh..... Duhhhh." Dani butted in taking a fry from Elise's tray eating it before she could notice it was gone. These four had been friends all since the 5th grade well considering that Dani became their friend during the seventh when they moved here.
They felt like they had been friends for ever either way. "So how was class everybody." Dani added "Well I already spoke my truth but I am ready for show choir next period." Airel told the group "Yeah classes have been pretty chill it's only because it's the first day. I want to see how they'll play out over the week to get a feel for them." Alexa spoke taking out her lunch box beginning to eat "Well I've been pretty distracted thinking about the back to school party happening Friday." Elise spoke up "I heard about it too. I was thinking did you guys wanna go." Dani said "Yeah I'm down if you guys are it'll be our first high school party." Alexa told the group "I'll just have to ask my parents. Can one of you guys send me the flyer?" Airel told them "If I convince my brothers to go with me I think I have greater chance of my parents saying yes." Airel added on "Oh it's 12:25 we have to get back to class." Airel looked at her phone before putting her things away "Hey can you guys just wait on me for a second I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Airel then said getting up and heading to the bathroom.

As Airel went to wash her hands someone else went to the sink right beside her. "You're Airel right?" The girl asked "Yeah that's me." Airel turned her head to look at her "I'm Blue, we have math together second period." Blue said smiling at Airel "Oh yeah. We do." Airel nervously grinned "Yeah you know you're really cute." Blue giggled "You should come join me at my party this Friday. Let me get your number and send you the flyer." Blue told Airel handing Airel her phone. "Thanks I hope to see you there cutie pie." Blue winked at Airel before drying her hands and leaving. "Holy shit!" Airel whisper blushing insanely hard

The school day had been long and the triplets were glad to be crossing the bridge back to get to the minivan their mama drove. Knowing when they got there he was going to ask a million questions. "So have you guys heard about the party this Friday." Airel beamed "Nate told me about it. Are you thinking about going?" Cas spoke up "Well yeah Blue invited me." Airel blushed still thinking about there encounter. "THE Blue Rein!" Mateo said loudly "Yes! Now keep your voice down." Airel whispered yelled glaring at him "What you guys talking about." Nate snakes around them putting an arm over Airel and Cas's shoulder "Oh nothing just that Airel got a personal invite to Blue rein's party." Mateo told Nate "Woah boo boo. You have to go now." Nate looked over at Airel "I- I don't know. She winked at me and called me cutie pie." Airel said lowly. The other three looked over at her in surprise. Airel's face slowly lit up a bright pink her freckles becoming more visible. "Stopppp... I'll explain what happened later." Airel told them as they approached the mini van sliding open the door and they all climbed in except Nate. Mateo taking shotgun. "Hey Mr.McLain how are you." Nate spoke politely "I'm doing great Nate how are you. How are your moms doing." Lance made conversation back "We're doing good. Is it ok if I catch a ride?" Nate waited for a yes before also hopping in the car. "Of course hun. You know you don't have to ask. Romelle and Allura would kill me if I didn't." Lance then drove off and asked all of the questions that could have ever been asked to someone about their first day of school. The questions were along the lines of "Did you like your classes? Did you make any new friends? Do you like your teachers?..." these questions continued until they got to Nate's house "Tell Allura and Romelle I said hey. We'll be here in the morning to pick you up." Lance looked back at Nate and told him "Yes sir I will." Nate smiled at him "Also don't forget to ask them." Nate added smirking knowing they would have to ask there parents about the party now. "Yeah yeah we will." Cas told him squeezing his hand before he got out of the car "See you tomorrow Nate." Airel then said glaring at him. "See you dude." Mateo said. Lance waited until he saw Nate walk inside of his house before driving off. Lance didn't otter a word about what Nate had said. He was going to wait until tonight at dinner.

Airel went to grab a snack from the kitchen before heading to Mateo and Cas's room. "So... how are we going to convince them to let us go." Airel said to them passing them both a bag of chips. "To be completely honest I think Mama will let us go." Cas told them before opening his chips "I for one know that if we ask about it Dad (Shiro) is going to ask a million questions." Mateo added "I don't know. What if we just bring it up at dinner and wing it. Our plans don't really go over well when we plan. Like that time we tried to convince Father to let us all get matching tongue rings." Airel giggled "I think that was just the idea as a whole." Cas said causing them to laugh more

The three just hung out in the room keeping up small conversations and eating snacks. Talking about all kinds of random topics until it was time to get dressed for dinner. The McLain family got dresses before heading out of the door and into the car.


Thanks for reading! Love ya!

Until next chapter :)

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