Chapter 2: Still in gym and a suprise

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Naomi's point of view

While sitting on the bleachers with Hanna I decide to grab that ball and throw it back at Hanna for pay back. While I'm walking I hear a noise

"Psst, psst" I looked at were it was coming from and almost passed out. It was Calum Luke Ashton and Michael... Also known as 5sos I called Hanna "Hanna come here right now" still shocked at what I'm seeing. She jumps off the rail and looks over. "Is this heaven or are they really here? GOD HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS" I ignored Hanna band walked toward them. "What are you doing at our school?" I asked nicely "Well you see we wanted to come to a 7-11 and we found one but we can't find our way back to our hotel so we were wondering if you could help?" Calum asked I nodded and looked at Hanna she said "Of course we can by the way I'm Hanna and this is Naomi." I was never a talkative person and Hanna would usually be my voice. "Hi." I said not knowing how I was keeping my self together. "We can help you get back but you will have to wait until we get out of school." Hanna said. The nodded and jumped over the fence "W-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered out "Well love, we are gonna come with you until you get out of school. I'm Ashton by the way." His dimples were to die for. "I know who you are and I'm Naomi" "Naomi did you finish killens essay?" Hanna asked I nodded "well I didn't and I was wondering if you could help me finish mine?" "Yea sure I'll be right back" I got up walking to the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mind if I come with?" Ashton asked. I smiled and nodded. What was with me and nodding all the time now. Gosh that's not attractive. "Naomi?" "Yes" "you kinda zoned out. Are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine" "Ok so were are we headed?" "The girls locker room" "Oh no are there any naked people in there cause that would not be a pretty site." I laughed and just told him to stay put while I grabbed my work.

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