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Ashton's point of view

I got Naomi and Hanna tickets to Australia and I'm taking Naomi out on a date and I'm super nervous.

"Chill out mate" I hear Calum say.

"How can I chill out the girl I have a huge crush on is about to go on a date with me. How would you feel if you went on a date with a girl like her" I ask him he shrugs and says

"I think I would be a bit nervous but you are literally shaking." he says chuckling. I calm myself and look at the clock its 12 pm and Naomi's flight should be here at 3.

"Should I take her to the movies or that fancy restaurant" I ask the boys.

"You told her to were a dress. Restaurant definitely" Michael says not looking up from his video game.

"Would you quit playing Fifa and do something with your life like get a girlfriend, go grocery shopping, read a book" Luke says annoyed by the frequent tapping of the buttons on the controller.

"You know Luke you didn't exactly ask Hanna to be your girlfriend either so if I were you I'd shut it." Michael snaps back.
Still looking At the tv.

------later when the plane lands-----

Naomi's point of view

Ok I'm at the hotel and Hanna is about to give me a makeover for the date.

"Naomi?" Hanna says


"What are you wearing again. I want to match your make up." I laugh

"The blue one. Ashton told me to wear it."
I blush remembering Ashton asking me out.

"He is going to be jaw dropping tonight."
I grab the dress and pull it on and zip it up. Hanna grabs my hand pulls me into the bathroom and studys my face.

"Ok I'm gonna go with a natural look" she says and starts to apply the makeup. after a few minutes she says "Done" and spins me around to face the mirror.

"Omg I look beautiful" I say and she rushes me out the door to meet Ashton.

(A/n to lazy to do a date scene but hope you enjoy.)

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