Can you let me Just go die in a hole?

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Naomi's point of view

I've had 20 texts from Hanna. 5 from the boys, and 3 calls from Chase.
I haven't looked at any of them.

I was sitting up in my room on my bed staring at the ceiling. Hanna came over with the boys and tried to get me to come up. I was getting really hungry and decided to get some food. everyone was asleep.

I walked down my stairs and was about to go in the kitchen when I saw everyone asleep on the couch. except Michael. he didn't see me, to engrossed with the tv I crept by and looked in the fridge and grabbed the cold pizza. I turned around and saw Michael smiling sadly.

"Are you gonna come out anytime soon?" He whispered. I shrugged.

"Come here" He brought me in and gave me a giant hug. I couldn't help but cry. this was what I needed.

"Do you want some?" I croaked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Pizza?" I said. He thought and nodded I brought a plate out and handed a couple pieces then started back to my room.

"You should come back soon. Ashton's actually very upset not being able to see you." he said looking at me. "He really cares for you." I looked at him once more and then ran back up to my room and closed the door and ate my pizza alone and drifted off again.

Michaels point of view

I was asleep when Calum came over and shook me awake.

"What." I asked not in the mood to get up.

"Did you eat all the pizza." he asked while I got up and looked for my plate from paste night.

"No" I saw everyone up and in the kitchen looking for food.

"Then who are it all." he said to himself.

"Naomi did she came down last night and shared with me." I said remembering last night.

"SHE WHAT?!?" Everyone said at the same time.... that was weird.

"I said she came down last night. She looked at mess" I smelled my shirt. Yep smells like tears.

"My shirt smells like tears." I say making a face.

"Did she say anything?" Ash asked.

"Only if I wanted some pizza"

Hanna went up the stairs with a bobby pin in her hand. I went with her.

She sat in front of the door and stuck it in the hole. Within a few minutes the door popped and I saw Naomi asleep on the bed with pizza on her chest.

"We should bring her down stairs" I heard Luke say.

"Yes we should. Ashton?" I said and looked at Ashton and gestured for him to pick her up. He didn't refuse. He walked down stairs with her in his arms and went down the stairs.

"You think we should wake her?" Calum said while munching on the pizza that was sitting on Naomi's bed.
"I don't know. I've never seen her like this." Hanna muttered.

"I don't know about you but think about this in her perspective. The crush of her life just broke her heart by trying to use her. She gets that feeling anyone gets and it's just ripped out of her. She probably is depressed and wants to be alone." I said. I had this feeling before with a girl and she only wanted me for fame.

"Your right we should take her back upstairs." Ashton said sadly. I know he wanted her to himself now that she was free.

"No she's waking up." Hanna said.

Naomi's point of view

I woke up thinking to feel my sheets but instead I feel an...arm? I open my eyes and see everyone staring at me. I look at them and try to get up and leave. Ashton grabbed my arm preventing me from leaving. I felt different with him, almost safe and comfortable. I just wanted to get rid of all these thoughts of Chase and not feel the heart break anymore. So I looked up at Ashton again and gave him a giant hug.

"I'm so sorry I've been so depressed and mopey around you guys." I said sincerely. I didn't let go of Ashton. I didn't want to but I had to. As soon as I did I was cold.

"Naomi what changed your mind?" Hanna said happy.

"I wanted to Let go of Chase. So I did." I said proud of myself and smiled.

I then gave all of them a hug and whispered to Luke

"Get her before she gets away." I saw smiling. He glances at me and blushes. He then says "Same with Ashton" "Don't worry I won't"

I saw Hanna walk her walk on the kitchen getting a drink and I nudge Luke over to Hanna. 'go' I mouth.

Luke's point of view

I walk into the kitchen and see Hanna trying to reach a cup. It's so adorable how she's so short. I grab it for her and she blushes. I gain my confidence and say.

"So dearest Hanna, now that everyone is sunshine and lollipops. Would you consider maybe going out with me tonight.
I mean you don-" I get cut off by her dropping her cup in the sink and jump in my arms. "yes" she says and kisses my cheek.

"YEASSSSS!!" I yell
Naomi raises her eyebrow and realizes what has happened and squeals jumping up and down.

I smile and give her a big hug and say Thank you. I then get on my phone searching places for my date with a beautiful girl.

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