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Before we continue the story, I'd like to take a minute to thank our sponser Raid Shadow Ledgends. Raid Shadow Ledgends is-


"Hey Spencer, Sorry about that, my mom called." Said a tall young man. Not as young as Reid, but fairly young. He had dark, neck-length hair and a decent amount of stubble on his face as well.

"Guys, this is Ethan. I think I've mentioned him a couple times before.."

Morgan stood there, bewhildered. Part of him wasn't surprised, but another part of him was. Morgan kind of expected Reid to show up alone, as bad as that sounds. In his defense, Reid never talked about his love life often. Actually, he never talked about it. Ever.

Reid would disagree with that statement, though. In Reid's defense, he never talked because no one asked. And he grew up as an above average child, who was bullied into silence during his highschool years. And for a while up until he joined the Bureau, he spoke when spoken to. Not only that, but he always had the metophorical demon on his shoulder telling him that his ramblings were obnoxious and loud. That nobody cared about him or his personal life so he should keep his mouth shut and keep it all inside.

Emily was the first to speak up. She held Sergio up close to her chest with one hand, and with he other she reached out to shake Ethan's. "Hi Ethan, I'm Emily. It's very nice to meet you!" She smiled endearingly.

Ethan shook hands with everyone, and after that they all say down and had dinner. Dinner went smoothly, Ethan seemed to not be able to keep his hands off Reid.

Derek and Penelope flirted with eachother all during dinner like a couple of sixth graders. Rossi had even made a comment on it.

"My mansion has 5 master bedrooms. Pick one."

After dinner was over, they sat around in Rossi's living room chatting. Emily was the first to leave because she needed to get home and feed Sergio. JJ left shortly after for the babysitter. Soon everyone had left and Rossi was left there alone, like the sad lil bitch he is.

Chocolate Thunder is now online.

Chocolate Thunder: So are we not going to talk about Reid's date??

Twinkie is now online.

Twinkie: There isn't much to talk about.

Chocolate Thunder: No, not that- I mean you have been dating for a little over a year and a half.

Chocolate Thunder: And you didn't tell us??

Twinkie: Well you never asked

Twinkie: And he just now moved here from New Orleans a couple months ago, so I didn't see him that much anyways.

BabyGirl is now online.

BabyGirl: Well, I'm glad you have someone in your life at all.

Rossi is now online.

Rossi: So who's the guy in the relationship

Rossi: My bets are on Mr Keanu Reeves over there.

Twinkie: Okay, I'm going to bed.

Rossi: NO

Rossi: You have to tell us who the guy is!

Twinkie has gone offline.

Babygirl: Rossi you're scaring the kids

Rossi: Good

Hotch is now online

Hotch: Hailey said she had a great time. And so did I.

Rossi: Go to bed Hotch it's one in the morning 🙄

Babygirl: Yeah, go to bed Hotch. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Rossi has gone offljne.

Babygirl has gone offline

Chocolate Thunder has gone offline.

Hotch: Says you..

Hotch has gone offline.


There! Are you thirsty hoes happy?? 🙄✋🏼
Also sorry it's short I didnt know what ekse to write lmao

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