A King's Tale

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Tucked into our bed, Klaus hovers over me like a worried mother. It'd be cute if I didn't feel so awful. Sharp flashes of pain strike through my chest and stomach as my head pounds. An hour ago, we discovered me holding anything is a lost cause because I dropped the glass of water Klaus got me due to the fact that my hands won't stop shaking. My skin is sweaty and hot to the touch, but I'm freezing. "Nik," I whisper. My throat is sore from coughing every few minutes. More and more blood comes up each time, staining my lips. Last time, it came out of my nose too. "I-I'm so cold."

        His eyes widen from his perched position beside me. "I'll gather more blankets, Love." Klaus looks to Elijah at the end of the bed. "You stay with her." Then he's off, rushing out the door. Elijah takes Klaus's spot, sitting in a chair next to me. With Klaus occupied, this is the perfect time to ask for my favor.

        "Lijah," I murmur. He takes my outstretched hand. "I need you to do something for me."

        "Of course, Lily. Anything." His reply is earnest as his heart shines through his eyes.

        I attempt to smile at him but any movement, no matter how slight, makes everything feel worse. "In the nightstand...the drawer..." With his free hand Elijah reaches into my nightstand. His face pauses at what he finds inside. "I-I need you to hold onto them for me," his eyes flash to mine in surprise, "in case I don't get to say the words myself." Grasping onto the envelops in the drawer, Elijah pulls them out. There's four of them. One for Klaus, one for Jess, and one for each of my brothers. Their names are scripted on the front and sealed inside are letters I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to be prepared in case things got bad--in case I didn't get a goodbye. When Elijah opens his mouth to protest, I rush to stop it. "Please, Elijah. Please do this for me."

        My pleads seem to cause him debate. His eyes flicker across my face as he tries to make up his mind. I know it's an unfair position to put him in, but he's the only one I trust to do this. If Klaus knew, he would've shredded the letters in denial, claiming it unnecessary. As Elijah goes to speak, said shredder walks through the door. A ball of blankets overflow his arms, and Elijah is quick to place the letters inside of his suit jacket. I send him a grateful look as Klaus sets the blankets down on the bed. Unfolding them, he lays one and then another across the other blankets covering my body. "Here, Love."

        Ignoring how much it hurts, I smile at Klaus. He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead. Elijah stands up, allowing his brother his seat back, which Klaus takes, gripping onto my hand. Though a second later, I'm squeezing his hand as a new strike of pain shoots through me. I yell, tensing up. "Lily," Klaus murmurs. I scream again at another strike before I collapse against the sheets again. "Love," he whispers into my ear. Concern in his eyes. It's the only thing I've seen in them since the coughs began this morning.

        For there's no need to say it. We all know what's coming next. I'm going to die today.

        The shooting pain fades, and I look to the Klaus with what's hopefully a look of assurance. "I'm okay. It's okay." Klaus sends me a disapproving look at my obvious lie. But before the air can grow too tense, Elijah coughs and fixes his jacket.

        "If you'll excuse me. There are some calls I need to make." He nods in my direction then exits. The nod tells me enough. It tells me he'll abide by my wishes. He'll keep the letters for me and deliver them when it's time.

        "Nik," I mumble. Klaus's eyes fill with love as he looks to me. "Will you hold me?" The request is one of vulnerability. One that makes me feel timid and meek. He seems to understand this though, silently getting up, walking around the bed, and shuffling into it next to me. His arms wrap around me gently. I turn my neck to look at him as he smiles down upon me, but it's a smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes. Breathing in his scent, I relax as his body presses against mine. Soft lips meet the skin of my forehead as Klaus places a kiss there. I hum. My eyes flicker shut, and I sigh. "I'm just gonna close my eyes for a bit," I whisper as I allow myself to feel the tiredness in my bones. Klaus shifts beside me, holding me closer, as his fingers start to run through my hair. If he says anything, I don't hear him, for the exhaustion sweeps me away.

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