Chapter Two: "Why Do I Keep Running?"

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Me and Larry just looked at each other smiling.

"So um...Larry, what do you prefer to be referred to as?" It still feels weird to question things like that.

"What do you mean by that, y/n?" They look at me confused.

"Like what are your pronouns...I guess that's what I mean" I laugh a little bit.

"Oh! I like to be referred to as a boy." He again stared at me with a smug look, thinking that's exactly what pronouns meant.

"Close enough I guess" I mean it's still not quite what I meant but that's okay.

Time seemed to pass quickly while I was hanging out with him. He seemed kind of awkward though. When I looked back at the clock time seemed to have passed much quicker than I imagined.

"Hey Larry, I think I need to head out. Could you show me the way out of here because I forgot..hah.." I laugh awkwardly.

"Yeah sure, man! Let's go." He leads the way out of the basement, or I guess his room. Which I find weird considering it's a damn basement! I mean at least he made it look nice.

I start heading back to my apartment. I turn around and wave goodbye to Larry. When I walked away the energy that I had felt when I was with him, suddenly faded. I felt horrible.

"Hey mom!" I say while walking into the house.

"Hey sweetie, where were you all day?" She asks, giving me a weird look.

"Oh right! I met a kid that seems to be around my age! His name is-" she cuts me off to say something.

"He?" She laughs with that same weird as hell look she had given me a few seconds ago.

"Mom literally I just met him today! Plus I think I'd rather be friends with him. He seems really cool! His name is Larry" I continue to talk about Larry.

I wonder why his energy felt that way once I left. Does that alway happen? I should go to his apartment to see if he's alright.

As I walk down the hall, I see that blue haired kid again. I start walking quicker, hoping the kid doesn't realize or even remember who I am.

The kid took a glance at me, I started walking quicker to Larry's room. The kid started following me. I made my way to Larry's door, the kid was still following me. I knocked on the door loudly.

"Hey y/n, what's u-" I cut him off by running into the room and shutting the door.

"Woah dude chill, what happened?" He asked, concerned.

"There was someone following me to your room! I'm really sorry!" I spoke in a panic

We hear a knock at the door.

"Larry, open the door!" I hear that voice and bolt directly outside.

I didn't hear much of their conversation after that, considering I just ran the fuck outside! Why did I run?! They probably weren't even going to hurt me so why did I run?

"Y/n? Are you here?" Larry's voice called into the treehouse.

"No,definitely not," I responded.

"Alright I'm coming up." I hear Larry's footsteps walking up the entrance

"Do you mind telling me why you just ran as soon as you heard my friend's voice?" He stares directly at me.

"I just thought your friend was going to hurt me before they were following me down to your room after having walked past me" I said, still slightly panicked.

"Don't worry man, Sal would never hurt anyone!" Larry reassures you with a smile.

"Can I meet Sal?" I said hesitantly.

"Oh yeah for sure, dude. Let me go grab him" He says, disappearing into the treehouse entrance.

While I'm waiting for Larry, and of course, Sal, my thoughts come back. Why did I run? It wasn't very necessary..was it? He seems so intriguing yet so..much, I guess.

I hear footsteps, I guess this is the only chance I'll get to meet Sal. I don't know how I feel.

"Okay I brought him. Sal, this is y/n. Y/n, this is Sal." I look at Larry blankly as he speaks.

"Hello y/n!" I can't tell if he's smiling.

"What's up with the mask? Do you wear it for fun or do you wear it because you think there's something wrong with your face?" I blurted out in an accidental rude sounding tone.

We sat there in silence for a moment.

"That was kind of rude, don't you think?" Sal said, breaking the silence.

"No, personally I think I was just asking a question. I didn't mean for it to come out as a rude comment!" I smile a little bit.

"I don't want to answer your question." Sal responds, while it feels like he's just staring directly at me.

"Okay um, do you guys want to go into my room and do something?" Larry says awkwardly.

"Yeah sure." Sal and I both respond.

Honestly, all we did was sit in Larry's room to listen to music, or I listened to music while Sal and Larry both painted something random and listened to music. Their music tastes are very similar to each other. I didn't talk to them very much considering they were busy having their own conversation, it didn't bug me though.

Sal and Larry seemed really close to each other, they seemed happy when together.

"Alright I'm going to head out, I hope you guys have fun. See you guys later, possibly." I start walking out of the door.

"Wait hold on! Y/n take this." Sal hands me a note.

I didn't open the note until I got into my room.

"Meet me by the school,

If you know where that is at least"

-Sally Face •‿•

God that face is creepy. I guess I'll ask around to see where the school is, it shouldn't be too hard...I hope? Maybe this isn't such a great idea to meet him. Maybe I still might.

Editor note: I'm sorry this took a little bit, I wasn't feeling the brightest. I hope you enjoy :)

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