Chapter Four: The Boy With A Bruise

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As I walked back into the apartments, I saw Larry's mom, Lisa. I wonder why she was still cleaning, she had been cleaning all day and looked super tired, maybe I should offer help?

"Hey, do you need any help? You look exhausted." I said in a light tone.

"Oh no it's alright, I'm fine!" Lisa smiled at me with bright eyes. Her eyes were a chocolate brown, her smile was beautiful. Lisa and Larry looked very similar. They were both tall, had thick medium brown hair, and both had very pretty chocolate brown eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping out," I looked her in the eyes, she was taller than me.

She paused and then sighed "I guess if you want to help, I don't mind," She continued cleaning a spot and handed me something to help clean with.

After I finished helping Lisa I headed back to mine and my mom's apartment. Sal was sitting in front of the door looking like he was about to knock. I quickened my pace to get to the door quicker.

"Hey, why are you here so late?" Sal looked a little startled when I spoke.

"Oh erm hey-!" Sal said while turning around to look at me. "I just came to ask when you started at the school?"

"Uhm...I think I start tomorrow, tomorrow is Monday, correct?" I answered, observing his mask. I'm not sure why he wears that thing, It's kind of freaky.

"Oh okay. Tomorrow is Monday. I would suggest getting up around 6 or 6:30 depending on how long it takes you to get ready. It's like a 30 to 40-minute walk. I and Larry usually walk to school together, would you like to walk with us?" He finally finished his sentence and took a deep breath.

"Yeah sure, I should be ready by like 6:30 or 6:45. I'll meet you both at like 7 near the stairs outside if that's okay?" I asked with a smile.

"Okay, that works for me, I'll let Larry know!" his eyes lit up and made it seem like he was smiling, his mask made it difficult to tell. He walked off in a hurry, considering it was already kind of late.

I opened the door to my apartment and went straight to my room. I didn't bother to change into a different pair of clothes, too much work and I am tired from all the walking. As I drifted to sleep, I heard a whisper and slight movement near the corner of my room. I quickly sat up and looked into the corner where I heard the noises.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my room? I can hear you moving and whispering, you're not slick dumbass," I said in an irritated tone

"You can hear me? I didn't know anyone new moved into this apartment! I thought only-" The voice paused suddenly.

I laid back down, It started feeling colder in the room. I put my hands in between my thighs to keep them warm. I opened my eyes and turned so I was staring at the ceiling. Why did we move here, out of all the places, why here? I wish I had died back in the hospital, everything would have been so much better. I would have felt better, I wouldn't have needed to go through everything that happened back in my last school. I hate everyone and everything in that fucking school, yet the place was so comforting. I can't even sleep right in this town. It's all wrong, everything is wrong here.

My alarm woke me up the next morning. I don't remember falling asleep, when did I fall asleep? Never mind that right now, I have school. I got out of bed and put on some ripped jeans and just a random t-shirt, I have no idea if that shirt was clean, to be honest, I grabbed it off the ground and threw it on. I then fixed my hair and headed out the door. It was only 6:45 when I got over to where we were meeting, I guess it didn't take me that long to get ready.

I reached into my pocket to grab my iPod, it wasn't there.

"Goddammit," I whispered to myself while walking back to my apartment in a hurry.

As I walked, I noticed something on one of the apartment doors. I looked closer to see a code-looking thing.

66864? What does that mean...?

I stared at it more.

"Y/n.." I turned around to where I heard the sound, I saw a figure that wasn't too tall but also not too short. It has these deep purple-colored eyes and short hair, I couldn't tell what color the hair was, it was a figure with just a few features that I could see. The figure came closer. Once I made eye contact with it, the figure vanished.

"What the fuck?!" I said, staring in disbelief. I checked the time while my hands shook out of pure fear. It was 6:58. I started walking quickly to where I was supposed to meet Sal and Larry.

"Hey y/n!" I looked up and saw Sal.

"Oh hey Sal, sorry if I'm a little late, I needed to find my iPod but while I was doing that something fucking insane happened. I'll tell you about it later. Anyways, where is Larry?" I spoke quickly

"Larry is outside already I think, cmon let's go," Sal said while pulling my arm

Once we got to the school, Sal brought me to the office so I could get my schedule.

"Welcome, Y/n! I'm glad you decided to join today!" An unfamiliar friendly voice welcomed me, he seemed very happy.

I didn't respond

"Okay, that's alright if you don't talk to me, I don't mind! I'm guessing you're here for your schedule?" He said with a smile

I nodded in response

"Let me take a look...gosh! Turns out nobody has set up a schedule for you yet. I guess you can follow someone around today...I know exactly who it should be!" He stood up and signaled me to follow

He brought me to a random classroom and told me to wait outside. I couldn't hear what was going on. 5 minutes passed and he brought out a kid with a darker skin tone, blond hair, a bruise on his eye, and dark brown eyes.

"This is Travis Phelps, you will be following him around today!" He grinned.

I looked over to see the boy with an angry look on his face, he seemed tense. I don't think he is very happy with me having to follow him around.

The office person walked back to where he was before. Who is this person and why do I need to follow him?

"Don't even think about talking to me, I don't care about you nor do I like you." He had a slight lisp, Travis didn't seem like someone who I'd get along with, I'm going to push my luck with him

"What's up with your eye? Are you alright, Travis?" I stared at him directly in his eyes

"W-What? Nothing is wrong with my damn eye! It's none of your business!" He yelled. His energy changed, who is this kid?

"Chill out, I was just concerned. Well I guess if you ever want some sort of friends or someone to talk to, I'm free anytime," I sighed. "Oh and also, I'll figure my way around here. I'll give you a good review. I'll leave our you being a complete dick just a second ago," I chuckled, he rolled his eyes in irritation.

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