Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tommy woke up to a raindrop landing on his face, the previous night he had run very far from his home. He didn't know where he was. All he knew was that he was in a forest with thick trees and lush bushes. He was scared, he didn't want his family to find him, if they caught him, what would they do? He knew that anywhere was better than back home. He got up from the ground, he must have collapsed from exhaustion after running so far. A small trickle of fear crept into his mind. He started to think of the worst case scenario, Where was he? What was he going to eat? How long would he be out here for? Where was the town? Would he die out here? He looked up on a tree branch above him to see a small blue bird. Him and the bird made eye contact. "Hello little friend" he said softly, the bird stared at him, It brought him out of his fearful thoughts. The bird took flight, flying to the west. He started to run after the bird, he ran through the forest, he jumped over a lug, He kept running after the bird, A rock stud out of the ground, easy to see if you were paying attention but if you weren't it was easily missed. Information for Tommy he was not too good at looking at his surroundings. He tripped on the rock and it made him go flying, he hit his knee on a rock and it started to bleed, Tommy immediately started crying, he tried to make himself not cry out in pain and be as quiet as possible. He sat on the ground for a few minutes trying to claim himself down. Tears rolled down his dirty cheeks. He looked at his knee. He hurt his knee and was bleeding pretty bad. He got up and started walking in the same direction, being careful where he stepped, taking it slow.

He walked carefully, so he wouldn't make any noise. He was constantly scanning the tree line. He was trying to resist the urge to run in the forest. He just wants to run through the bushes and jump in them and make a stick fort or climb the trees all the way to the top. He kept walking. Maybe he would go back to this place, one day. After about 5 min he found a deer path. He walked on the path for a good long time. Then the path opens up. He was tired and thirsty. He paused and looked at the path in front of him. The trees were growing in a way to make it look like a tunnel. Flowers and bushes grow on the side of the path.

Tommy knew that this was no longer a deer path, The ground had wheel marks and hoof prints. This was definitely a road to a town or a city. He felt hopeful, a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time.

He continued to walk down the path. His leg hurt a lot, he had a little limp, he looked at the sky and saw the same storm cloud forming overhead. As the cloud formed, so did his dread. He walked down the path and it came to a fork in the road. One going to the left, the other to the right. He looked at the right path then the left. Tommy looked at the road itself and saw more wheel makes going to the right. He started walking to the left. As he did so the storm started to pick up. He got a very uneasy feeling so he started to walk faster. He kept looking behind him and on the side of the path. He could have sworn he was seeing people in the tree like his family members.

The weather turned sour very quickly, heavy rain pelted Tommy's face and clothes. No only was he hungry, thirsty and tired but now he was also cold and wet and lost. He could barely see 3 feet(1 meter) in front of him. He looked at the side of the path. A big tree was looming on the side of the path Tommy thought it was good enough for him. He sat down and tried to see anything around him. He thought he heard footsteps coming from where he had just come from.

Philza went to town for more cooking supplies, the town was cute enough but he needed to get back to his home with his 2 sons there. He began the walk home when the storm from last night started to get worse. He needed to hurry if he didn't want to be stuck out here for the rest of the night. He was almost home, the 2 boys at home must be so scared they didn't like big storms, especially Techno. He continued to walk when he thought he heard someone breathing. A few steps later he saw a little boy under a tree. He had a stick in both of his hands like he was going to use it as a baseball bat. He looked at the boy and became flustered.

"Ahh Hi, are you lost??" He said in a confused be claiming voice

Tommy didn't compute what he said, so he just stared, the wind howled and the rain came down harder.

Philza took a knee next to Tommy lowering the stick in his hands and held out his hand and said

"it's alright you can come back to my house then tomorrow we will find your family." he tried to say in a very soothing voice. Tommy thought about his offer. He looked around, was he really about to go with a stranger. This random random man he met on the side of the road. Tommy thought for a minute, then he grabbed the man's hand and he helped him up. As he was helped up he got a better look at the man. He had raven wings and he also wore a green kimono and a white and green bucket hat. He had a wooden backpack on his side. When I was on my feet I looked at the man's face. He had a little bit of a beard, more stubble than anything, his hair came down to his ears and it was a light blonde almost like Tommy's. He had a kind face. The man tried to let go of Tommy's hand. But Tommy still held it. Philza looked down at the boy. He looked like he had been outside for 3 day, he looked half starved and dirt was all over his face. His cheek had tear stains where the dirt wasn't as thick. His pants were ripped at the knee and there were some blood stains. He had some cuts on his arm and face. " What is your name, son? "Philza asked

"My name is Tommy" he said in a weak voice

Philza tried to ask Tommy more questions but stopped after the boy didn't answer the 3rd question

They walked in silence for about 3 minutes when they came across a stone path that led into a field. The weather was progressively getting worse by the minute. But a light from a house aluminated the path. Tommy couldn't see anything within 3 feet (1 meter).

The man opened the door to the house and light and warmth poured out.

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