chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The forest seemed to call to him, like it wanted him to run into it, leaving the world behind. He Continue to stare at the woods when his Trance was ended by Wilbur saying " Oh, hello their Tommy"

"Hi Wilbur, What are you guys doing?" Tommy asked walking off of the deck and onto the ground

" We are fencing. " Techno said in a Monotone voice

" Oh that's super cool, Do you think I could join you guys?" Tommy asked

"Have you ever used a sword before?" Techno asked him

"Well.... No BUT I have used a knife once." Tommy Replied

" I will have to teach you later then, I don't want you to get hurt using a sword that would not be very good. A lot of things could go wrong." Techno said flatly

"Oh..." Tommy said sadly

" Do you want to play another game with us though??" Wilbur asked kindly

"Sure, What other games do you guys play? I don't really have too many games I know or play." Tommy said

"Well, we could play tag, hide and go seek or dead man or even if you really wanted to we play this game called Elephant warfare, That's when we try to make the other one go down to their feet. Don't tell Phil though he doesn't like that game he said, "ItS Too DaNgErOus" Wilbur said Mocking Phil's voice. This made Tommy and Techno laugh.

" We should play dead man, that game is also fun" Tommy said happily as he remembered when he was 2-3 he would play it with his cousins when they came to visit him.

The 3 of them began to play the dead man game. Back up the stairs Phil had done a lot of work moving all the box's to the hallway so he could put them in the attic later. He thought it was about time he had cleaned out the room. It had been this messy for 5 years. Ever sense Kristen- He stopped himself from finishing what he was thinking and continued to move the boxes. He tried not to look inside of them. Each one had so much art work from her. This used to be her art room after all. He then went to the east wall of the room and opened up the Currants. Sunlight filled the room. A thick layer of dust Code the floor, the walls were a pastel blue and it had dark wood floors and some paint was on the center of the floor from years passed. Some more boxes lined the wall of the room. Phil looked out the window to find his sons playing dead man. He heard the song they were singing as Tommy and Wilbur skipped around Techno. They sang "dead man, dead man come alive come alive to the count of 5, 1 ,2 , 3, 4 ,5!" They screamed the last part as Techno Got up off the ground and began to chase the 2 boys with his eyes closed. Tommy looked so happy as he was screaming and laughing. Wilbur was trying to sneak up on Techno from the back to push him on the ground but Techno heard him in the grass and turned around and started to chase after him. Wilbur turned to run away, his Terrified scream making Phil laugh. He always loved to play with his sons no matter how old they were. They always found a way to make any game fun. Phil turns to get back to his work. He walked over to a box and picked it up. The bottom of the box Broke meaning everything fell out of the bottom. He cursed under his breath. He looked at the first painting to see it was a portrait of him and Wilbur and Techno. Her favorite thing to paint was the family. So there were a lot of pictures and paintings of them. Phil picked up the painting that had fallen. It was a painting of Phil, baby Wilbur and Toddler Techno all on the couch and fast asleep. They all looked so peaceful. Phils eyes began to water. He quickly put all the stuff back in the box and continued to move them into the hallway. After he was done moving all the boxes out of the room he went to the attic and started to put all the boxes up there. After he was done he started to sweep out all of the dust and Debris. Back to Tommy, Wilbur and Techno, They were all laying in the grass looking at the sky. Techno and Wilbur were talking about doing a backflip. That's when Tommy looked over at the woods again. It was calling him, he stared at it for a few moments when Wilbur shook him.

"Y-yeah" Tommy said Surprised that he was back in the land of the living.

" you were staring at the woods again, are you alright?" Wilbur asked him

"Yeah I'm fine I just think that they are pretty" Tommy said

" You know Tommy you shouldn't go in the woods, Tommy" Techno said

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" Tommy said in a gremlin like voice

" Well first off they are very big and you will probably get lost. Second, Phil would lose his shit if any of us went in there too deep. He Only lets me and sometimes Wilbur go on the edge of the woods, and even then he doesn't like it if we go in there without him watching. He is very Paranoid about people going in or even near it. And 3rd some people have died in the woods." Techno said in his very monotone voice

"Oh... have you ever gotten in trouble with Phil?" Tommy asked

" I have only been grounded once, It's Techno who is the bigger trouble maker than me. Wilbur said poking fun at Techno.

"Aren't you the one that shot a hole through the window with your so-called, what was it again "man of war" Was it called?" Techno said, teasing Wilbur.

Wilbur let out a huff noise before laying back down on the ground.

"But to answer your question Tommy, yes I have gotten Yelled at by Phil and grounded by him as well. And it was just sad. I felt so bad. He was mad that when I went to Town I was caught going through the forest. He got very mad at me." Techno said

"Wasn't it like 3 hours passed Curfew??" Wilbur adding in a joking voice

" Who's to say?" Techno added

This made all 3 of them chuckle

" Don't worry Tommy We will bring you into town soon." Wilbur said to Tommy.

"Alright that could be fun I think." Tommy said

Phil walked down start and into the kitchen, he began to make lunch he made each boy 2 sandwiches then he looked out the window. They were all lying on the grass looking at the sky. Then Techno said something funny and they all laughed. Phil opened the door and landed on the railing of the deck . He could hear what they were saying. Wilbur said something about them going into town with them. That's when Phil decided we would scare Wilbur. He jumped off of the deck looking like a bird taking flight then he fully Sprinted over to Wilbur. Wilbur saw Phil jump off the deck and Charge him, Wilbur screamed as Phil ran at him. Wilbur started to run away from Phil but Phil was Surprisingly fast for his age. He was almost upon Wilbur. Wilbur

hated and loved when Phil would pretend to hunt him. It all started when they were in town about a year ago and Wilbur had gotten on the top of the buildings and he started to stalk Phil like a big cat. Only when he was low enough he grabbed Phil's hat and started to run. Unfortunately Phil could fly and he caught Wilbur very shortly after. Ever since that day they would protented to hunt each other or try to take each other's hat. This was the first time Phil had chased him without warning though. Or did he do something wrong? Neverminded that he had Phil basically stepping on his feet. Then he felt his shirt collar get hosted up into the air and He was face to face with Phil.

"Yes papa." Will said in a higher pitch over

"You left the front door open and lunch was ready." Phil Announce. Then he placed him back on the ground and started to walk back to the house.

Tommy had been frightened by what had just happened so Techno expanded and then he was on the ground laughing Tommy joined him in his laughing fit. Then they all got up and made their way back to the house. Phil waits on the deck chuckling to himself as he watches Tommy and Techno laugh at Wilbur and Wilbur looks at Phil and said" I will catch you next time just you wait." He said in a joking tone but Phil Laughed at Wilbur and he said" It was a big Mistake challenge Willman anyways less go the food will get cold." Phil said laughing. Then they entered the house and began to eat the food


Hi sorry school started and I kind of died inside but enjoy this chapter UwU

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