chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The 4 of them walked into the house and into the kitchen. Tommy sat down at the Counter and took his sandwich. He looked at the sandwich and saw how carefully each ingredient of the sandwich was placed.

"Boys, Tomorrow I need to work, so you guys have a choice. Either Techno can babysit you guys or you could come into town with me and hang about the store, The choice is up to you,mate" Phil said

Tommy didn't like the idea of leaving Phil, even though he had only been with him for a day.

" WE WILL TOTAL COME WITH YOU PHIL!" Wilbur said in excitement

"If Wilbur and Tommy want to go I'm fine with it." Techno said in in his mon-tone voice

"Alright, Tommy, are you okay with it??" Phil asks in a gentle voice. Tommy started at his sandwich for a few seconds then he looked up at Phil and smiled. "YES, I WOULD LOVE TO." Tommy said in the same element of excitement as Wilbur said.

" Great, That's that then, Tomorrow we will all go into town," Phil said in a honeyed tone.

The 3 bois began to joke and talk about all the things that would happen in the town.

After they were done eating, Techno and Wilbur walked out to the deck and that left Phil to take the plates to the sink and Tommy still sitting on the stool " I can help you if you want Phil." Tommy said as he starting to stand up

"No you fine, mate, why don't you go play with Wilbur and Techno, It will be dark so you guys have 3 or 4 hours before bed." Phil said as he did the dishes.

"Alright if you're sure." Tommy said weakly

Then Wilbur ran back into the room and he said "TOMMY, we haven't given you a proper tour of the house!" Wilbur quickly yelled. " Oh Yeah you're right Wilbur, Why don't you and Techno show him around." Phil said

"A-alright, lead the way." Tommy said, then Wilbur walked over to him and grabbed his hand leading him into the hallway.

Phil started worrying about Tommy. I hope he is having a good time here, what if he doesn't like the way we talk to each other. These were all questions Phil wondered.

Tommy was a very talkative kid, Phil could see that from a mile away. He just needed to feel comfortable. Then he could see the real kid that he let into his house.

Tommy was being led down the hallway. Wilbur was holding his hand and Techno was behind him. Following them silently, Wilbur walked into the living room and he said "welp you have already seen this room so nothing much in here, Sometimes Phil will read us new books from the book store when he gets them, We also like to hangout and just vibe in here."

"We also play board games every so often" Techno added

Wilbur grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs. They passed by the family picture and the other pieces of art. Then they stopped outside the Techno's Room. " Welp this is my room, '' Techno said as he opened the door. The room did not change since he had seen it this morning. " I take it Phil showed you everything in here?" Techno asked

" Not really just the sword but I just looked at them. They are super cool, where do you get them??" Tommy ask with genuine curiosity

Techno chuckled at them and added" I make them or I find them. Phil bought me this one" He said pointing to the sword in the upper top counter.

Tommy looked at the sword in awe. The sword had a hilt made out of gold and there were rubies embedded into the hilt with blue and yellow gems.

" Yeah, that is your favorite sword?" Wilbur asked

"It is indeed!" Techno said confidently

"Anyways Tommy, instead of looking at fancy stabbers, do you want to see my guitar's??" Wilbur asked

"YES!" Tommy said, running out of the room and into Wilbur's.

Wilbur and Techno close on his heels

Tommy opened the door, expecting the same messy room. But the room was spotless.

" NOOOO, MY SETUP." Wilbur whined

"Chill out Wilbur, You should be happy that Phil cleaned up the...What did you call it again?" Techno said

"MY SETUP!" Wilbur said loudly

"Right..." Techno said

Wilbur let out a bothered huff. When they looked at Tommy he was walking around the room looking at every Knick knack and little Toy Wilbur had out,

"If you think that is cool Tommy you should see this." Wilbur said as he walked over to his toy chest and opened it. Tommy walked over to Wilbur and looked over his shoulder. Tommy's eyes gleamed as he saw all the Toys Wilbur had. Then he said with his voice in awe once more " do you think we could play together?" Tommy asks politely. " Of course we can." Wilbur said sweetly.

" We should finish the tour before you guys start your game of war ." Techno said

"Right then" Wilbur said. They walked out of the room and into the room that would soon be Tommy's room.

They opened the door. The room had hardwood floors, with a few paint splodges on it. The walls were a light blue. Then Tommy asked" Hey is there paint on the floor?"

"We used to do art in here a long time ago "Techno said his voice somber

"ANYWAYS, shall we go into Phil's room?" Wilbur said trying to mask the gloom the just settled over them

"Sure?" Tommy said

They walked over to Phil's room and opened the door. The room was very big. A window was facing north so the bedbord was right along it. The walls were painted a forest green. There was a big bed in the middle of the room. There was a desk on the west wall and bookshelves were on each wall except for the door that was on the east side. The bed had a red bedcover and on the night table was a box with lots of gems on it with a keyhole, then Techno walked over to the door on the east side of the room. Then he opened the door. The 3 boys walked into the room. The Techno flipped on a light switch. There was a beautiful bathroom. It had the same green walls and with a gold accent. There was a closet on the north wall.

"That just leaves us outside." Techno said

"Wait Tommy, have you seen the other bathroom?" Wilbur asked

"Yes I have." Tommy said

"Alright, welp I'll race you all to the deck" Wilbur challenged

With that all 3 boys start to run as fast as they could

Tommy ran out of the bathroom. He was short enough that he could duck under Techno and leave Wilbur and them to get stuck in the doorway. Tommy raced out of the room. He could hear the 2 boys swearing at each other to move out of the way. Tommy jumped on the hand rail for the stairs and slid down them. As soon as he was at the bottom of the stars Tommy jumped off of the handrail and made a beeline for the front door. He was almost at the door when Phil walked off the kitchen, no doubt to investigate all the swears being yelled and the sound of stairs being jumped on. Tommy made a split decision and he dove in between Phil's legs. unfortunately Phil had massive wings. So as soon as Tommy dove he hit His wings and he stopped and had a face full of feathers . He tried to get out of the feathery prison but then Phil extended his wings so that they covered the whole hallway, Tommy turned to see Wilbur and Techno Stop dead in their tracks. Then Phil Flapped his wings and then with a gust of wind he ran out the door, Tommy quickly realized that he was about to take 4 place if he didn't run. He jumped off of the ground and ran to the door. Then he passed the door. He was on the deck only to see Phil laugh his ass off. Then quietly Techno jumped through the door and onto the deck Wilbur followed him and told him how much of a cheater Techno was. The whole group laughed. After the laugh had subsided. Phil said'' well then Tommy shall we show you the gardened?"


Boom baby, sorry its late I'm being drained by school and I can't do writing stuff cause I'm not pog enough BUT anyways enjoy

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