Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Phil woke up to the sound of birds chirping and sun on his face. He turned his face away from the sun and then he noticed Tommy in his arms. The boy was in a Fetal position and was cuddled up close to Phil ,he must have moved to his side during the night. Phil's arms were holding him close to his chest. It was nice. It reminded Phil of when Will was younger and would get scared of sleeping alone or when he said there was a monster in his closet, He would run into Phil's room and jump on his bed for Phil to "protect him from the monsters". The memory made smiled to himself. He stayed still for a few minutes then he slowly got up. He made sure that Tommy was put back gently so he didn't wake up. He walked over to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Tommy was walking through a thick forest, The trees were big and looked like they never ended or they were going up to the heavens. The ground was covered in bushes and flowers. It made it look like it was magical like one of his fairly talk books, he stopped walking when he heard something charging him from behind . The hard foot falls made him start to run. He ran faster and faster jumping over logs and tree stumps.. The fear was starting to consume him. He heard the person or thing whatever it was behind him breathing hard. There in the distance he saw a clearing. A meadow? He didn't care; he kept running, his feet falling hard as he tried to run. Foliage hit his legs and arms giving him small cuts. He ran into the clearing then he swiveled his head around to see who his pursuer was. He saw the bushes move then-

A hand jerked him awake. Tommy was covered in sweat. He looked up to see he was on the ground, Phil was on his knee with his hand on his shoulder.

"Tommy, are you alright? You were yelling about someone coming for you?!" Phil said concern in his voice that made Tommy feel bad he didn't want Phil to worry about him.

"I-I'm fine, just a bad dream." Tommy said, his voice sounded very tired, Tommy sniffed the air, The sweet smell of sugar and cinnamon in the air

"What's that smell!?" Tommy said quickly regain his strong demeanor

Phil chuckle and said in a playful tone

"That my friend is breakfast"

"THAT IS WHAT BREAKFAST SMELLS LIKE?" Tommy said quickly getting excited

"Of course, silly" Phil said ruffling his hair, even though is hair was bit grimy

"What did you think it was" Phil said laughing

"Just cardboard or nothing" Tommy joked back but he was being serious. Phil seemed to catch on to Tommy but not wanting to make Tommy uncomfortable he decided to laugh at Tommy's "joke"

"I don't know what breakfast you have been eating but I hope my is better than- what did you say? Cardboard!?" He laughed a loud belly laugh.

"You laugh a lot, Phil" Tommy said

"You got to see the funny bits in life makes the world work better" Phil said in a joking manner.

"Anyways, you want to help me wake up Techno and Wilbur?"

"Sure, do you think they will like me?" Tommy asked trying to sound cool

"I think they will, you are one of the coolest and biggest men I have met, And I know a lot of people so the odds are in your favor" Phil said in a sweet tone. This made Tommy beam. His face lit up and he got up to follow Phil.

"Alright let's wake up Techno first cause he always takes a minute to get out of bed" Phil said as he walked out of the room Tommy closed behind him. They went up the stairs. Photos of Phil's family were on the wall. He saw a Photo of who he assumed was Wilbur Techno and a beautiful woman. At the top of the stairs there was what looked like a family Photo of the 1 boy in the front Phil and the Strange woman behind him and a baby was being held by Phil. The woman had one hand on the boy's shoulder and the other on Phil's. They all looked younger, like 3-4. They were in a forest, probably the one that was by the house. Tommy stopped to look at the photo. He hadn't been in a photo. But in this photo everyone looks so happy, even the little boy. Tommy looked closer. They boy had the upper face of a pig. He also had a muscular build even though he looked like he was 5 or 6. He also had long pink hair that was pulled to his back. He wore a white shirt and black pants that were baggy. Then Tommy looks at the Woman. He wore a black dress and a hat that had a black veil over the top. Black gems were all over her outfit and she wore a choker and she had an eyebrow piercing. Her face was kind and her eyes radiant warmth. Then he looked at the baby. He was wrapped in a yellow blanket, it made him look like a burrito. He had thick brown hair and he stared into the camera blankly. Then there was Phil. He wore the same outfit pretty much, and he didn't look as stressed or tired. Phil notices Tommy staring at the picture.

"Come on Tommy" he said in a sweet tone

"Oh yeah sorry, I was just looking, you guys looked so happy," Tommy said apologetically

"You're fine, I was a lot younger back then, hmm maybe a bit dumber, But that was a fun day, A very good memory. After this photo Techno also got thrown into a lake. BUT that's a story for a different day" Phil said laughing at the end of his sentence.

Tommy laughed, the first real laugh he had done in a while. He wiped away tears then he said through his laugh "alright you need to tell me they later" Tommy said still laughing. Phil joined him. After they calmed down, Phil said " alright you ready to go in?"

"Yeah, let's go in," Tommy said in his confident voice.

Phil opened the door to the Techno's room and he stepped inside. Tommy followed close behind him. Once they were in the room, Tommy looked around. The room smelled of lavender. The Room was very tidy. To the left of Tommy there was a big closet. On the west walk there were a bunch of swords and other weapons on the walk hung up. To the right of the swords was a stitching manikin some fabric was pinned to it, Probably a fancy cloak. Above the manikin there was a shelf full of sewing supplies. Room had a window facing to the north. Little plants sat on the window sill. Right below the window was a bed, and in that bed was a very big pig boy. He had to be at least 6 feet tall(1 meter) and he had to weigh 200 pounds (90 kilo). At the foot of his bed was a desk, there were a few books opened on it and papers were stacked on it too. There was also a matching shelf, but this one was full of books.

Phil walked over so he was leaning over Techno, He lightly shook him "Wake up Techno, come on breakfast is reeeeeadddyy" Phil said in a singsong voice, Techno made "humph" noise then he rolled over on his side Grabbing the blankets and pulling them over his head, " come ooon, Techno" Phil said. "Also Techno say hi to Tommy." Techno slowly rolled back to face Tommy, Then he peered out from the blankets and said in a deep voice that was also sleepy " hello Tommy" Then he turned away from them "Techno, we will be eating in 5 min if your not there I'm not gonna save you any" Phil said in a stern but joking voice.

He turned to Tommy and said "alright let's leave sleeping beauty to go check on Wilbur."

"Alright, Bye Techno see you down stairs." Techno made a humph noise once more then he fell back asleep.

The 2 of them walked across the hall Tommy looked at the art down the hallway on the walk. Most of it was nihonga art but there were a few cursed pictures.

Phil opened the door to Wilbur's room. The smell of toast was in the air, this made Tommy more hungry. Unlike Techno's room Wilbur's room was very messy. Clothes were on the ground and toys were everywhere .On the wall where Techno had swords Wilbur had 3 guitars hanging on the wall. Where the manikin was there was a toy chest. And the desk had a bunch of hedgehog drawings on it. The window had dinosaur figurines on it. Wilbur laid fast asleep in the bed. Phil slowly shook his shoulder and said in a soft voice "Wilbur woke up it's breakfast time" Wilbur opened his eyes and looked around and he said in a sleep voice

"where did-*yawn*- Techno go?"

"I put him and you to bed last night." Phil said with a cheeky smile


"Wilbur, this is Tommy. Tommy, Wilbur" Phil said nudging Tommy forward

"H-h-hello it's nice to meet you" Tommy said nervously

"It's nice to meet you, Tommy," Wilbur said as he got up from his bed. He wore a blue hoodie and some baggy grey pants. He was taller than Tommy by a bit but he wasn't close to being taller than Phil.

"Alright let's go get some breakfast before it's too cold" Phil said

They walked out of Wilbur's room. Phil Peeked his head into Techno's room and said " I'm serious about not saving you food, if you want some you better hurry before we eat it all." Phil laughed at the last part before we turned back and started to walk down the stairs the 2 boys close behind him. Then they walked into the kitchen.


hi so this is the end of this chapter its longer than usual idk I had a lot of ideas for day. also feel free to leave a comment or sm anyways its like 4 am and ima get to bed

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