chapter 9

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Wilbur woke up to the house being silent. The drip of a raindrop on the window was the only sound. He didn't know what time it was but the light from the window confirmed that it was maybe about 8:35 or 9 maybe 10. He was never good at telling time

Whatever the case he needed to be up and at them. The weirdest thing was that the house was silent. Before Tommy the house was still not exactly loud but not quite either.

Wilbur got up off his bed and walked to his door. He looked into the hallway. Techno's door was slightly open. He looked down the other way. Tommy's door was open and Phil's door was half way open.

He creeped out of his room, careful not to make sound. He tiptoed across the hall to Techno's room and then peered inside.

There was Techno dead asleep. His room was clean, as usual. Wilbur backed away and then crossed the hall. He then walked into Phil's room.

He walked into the room and saw his father asleep and Tommy cuddling up next to him. The sight was cute but It made him a little bit jealous.

He walked closer to the bed. Then he jumped on top of his father.
"WILBUR!!" Phil playfully yelled. Then he proceeded to tickle Wilbur. This woke up Tommy who just looked around confused

Phil got off the bed then picked up Wilbur.

"Wait WHAT?!" Wilbur yelled as he was thrown back onto the bed. He let out an OOF as he bounced back up.

"That's what you get for waking me up" Phil chuckled

"That's what you get for sleeping in late" Wil said back with a chuckle

"Wait, what time is it?" Phil asks as he opens the drawer to the bedside table.

"I have no idea, I know it's day time tho", Wilbur said shrugging

Phil pulled out a clock and then he sat it down on the bedside table.
The clock read 10:23

" What's with all the yelling?" A very sleepy sounding and looking Technoblade asked as he leaned in the doorway

"TECHNO!" Tommy yelled as he got off the bed and ran over to hug him

"Easy kid, no need to yell" Techno said give him a little hug.

"Sorry for sleeping in, shall I make us breakfast?" Phil said as he started to walk out of the room

"YES PLEASE" Tommy said as he walked closer to Phil. Techno moved out of the doorway and next to Wilbur.

The 2 watched Tommy take Phil's hand and walk down stairs. He heard breakfast being made and Tommy and Phil joking.

Techno chuckled

"Don't take it so hard, I can see your face" Techno said in his monotone voice

"WHAT?" Wilbur said flushed.

Was I really acting that jealous that Techno could tell? But how? It's so wrong for me to even be jealous. Tommy dervese the love of Phil, he has been through so much. But at the same time I want to only have Phil for myself. Wilbur thought

"It's okay to be jealous" Techno said

"I'm not jealous tho!" Wilbur said annoyed

"If you are or if you aren't that's okay just make sure that you're not being a dick about it. Tommy is only 5 he doesn't understand why you would be upset at him, so don't be a dick" Techno said as he started to leave

" Also Wilbur" he said turning back to look at him
" Yeah?"
"When you go to town don't start stealing again" Techno said as he walked out if the room
" I don't even steal anymore," Wilbur said with a huff. Then he watched as Techno gave him the peace sign as he walked down the stairs

" I'm not jealous I'm just…. " He said to himself as he started to walk down the the kitchen

There was Phil making pancakes and Tommy and Techno sitting at the kitchen counter.

"When are we going to town?!" Tommy asked happily

Phil chuckled " soon, after breakfast"

"When you go do you think you could get some more seeds?" Techno asked as Phil slid him a plate full of food

" Which ones do you want?" Phil asked as he got Tommy's plate fixed up

" I was thinking maybe some cucumbers or a pumpkin maybe even a watermelon" Techno asked in his monotone voice as he started to eat his food
" I'll keep my eye out" Phil said passing the food to Tommy

Wilbur sat down next to Techno and watched as Phil made him a plate

"Wait. Are you not going to Techno?" Tommy asked as he started to shovel food into his mouth

"Na, sorry little dude but I need to take care of somethings around the house" Techno said

"Oh okay" Tommy said with a hint if sadness on his voice

"Dad? What are we doing in town?" Wilbur asked as Phil passed him a plate

" We need to open the book store and I was actually hoping that you would run the bookstore for an hour. I also  want to get Tommy to a doctor and I also need to buy some more stuff for Tommy and maybe seeds and some food."

Phil said as he sat down across from the 3 boys and Started to eat his own food

" You want me to run the bookstore?" Wilbur asked

"Yes, I think your old enough for it" Phil said

"Alright, fine" Wilbur said coldly

There was a long silence as they ate. The sass Wilbur just said maybe the room was cold and quiet. For the last year Wilbur had become more and more EdGy to Phil and Techno. They were starting to notice.

It was just this thought. Like Wilbur would be more lipy or sassy. It wasn't enough to tell him to stop being a dick but it was getting closer and closer almost every day.

"ANYWAYS I'm going to get dressed" Techno said then he got up and went up stairs. Trying to leave the coldness of the situation

"I will clean up here, how about you 2 go get ready. Also Tommy, there are some of Will's old clothes in his closet. " Phil said as he took the plates and started to clean off the counter.

"Oh alright, thank you" Tommy said as Wilbur left the room

Tommy followed him to his room in silence. They walked to the room and then Wilbur opened the closet.

"Here you go" he said as he passed him some clothes

"Thank you, also Wilbur?" Tommy said taking the clothes

"Yeah?" Wilbur said

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or something like that " Tommy said soft voice

"Your fine Tommy, anyways go get dressed " Wilbur said as he gave Tommy a little head pat

Then Tommy walked into his room and got dressed. He wore a light blue shirt and black pants. He walked out of the room and knocked on Wilbur's door

"Come in" Wilbur said from inside the room

Tommy opened the door to see Wilbur slumped over his desk. Tommy then walked over to Wilbur to see what he was doing

"What are you drawing?" Tommy asked

"Not drawing, writing" Wilbur said as he wrote something on the page

"YOU CAN WRITE?!" Tommy said in aw

"Yeah? Can you not?" Wilbur asked him

"No" Tommy said quietly, he was sad he never knew how to write or read. parents tried to teach him but they weren't very good teachers.

Often they would beat him if he didn't understand what they would teach him. They weren't the best teachers to see if Tommy can't read or write. He does know a few words.

"That alright,Tommy. Phil can teach you." Wilbur said sweetly.

"Wait really? Tommy asked

"Of course," Wilbur said as he went up, grabbing the paper and ruffling Tommy's hair.

"Now Come we don't want to keep Phil waiting" Wilbur said as he walk out of the room

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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