Chapter 19: Miyabi Shows Up

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Standing over me stood over me with her button-down shirt torn up and covered in blood, Miyabi brandished her sword like a samurai, ready to cut down anything that got in her way. For a brief moment, I felt a sense of relief. Then I noticed something was definitely wrong. Miyabi's body twitched every few seconds and her eye... her eye was glowing bright pink. The mist that had begun to roll in earlier was now thicker. In front of Miyabi were the silhouettes of over a dozen dinosaurs. Their laughter had shifted to a much more subdued tone. Now they seemed to be a bit more hesitant because one of their pack members had been cut down.  

I crawled closer to Miyabi. Before I could say anything to her one of the dinosaurs leaped towards her. In one swift motion, she caught it by the throat, slammed it to the ground not too far from my face, and pinned its neck under her boot. With a loud crunch, the animal stopped moving. I watched as its head twitch, its tongue rolled out of its lifeless jaws.

I rose to my feet.

Miyabi let out an animalistic yell. Whatever her father put into her blood had now completely possessed her. She was no longer the calm collected girl she normally is.

The laughing death all perked up their head plumes but not of them retreated. The pack all began to close in on us. Miyabi readied her sword. The dinosaurs now all fell silent aside from occasional chatter. Despite the bodies of two of their pack members lying dead at Miyabi's feet they refused to back down. I grabbed one of the torches as well as the spear off the ground and drove back the ones that were closest to me.

The attacks came swift. Two animals came charging from either side of Miyabi and she thrust her sword through the first one's head causing it to drop to the ground in bloody spasms the second one caught her off guard and pounced on her, pinning her to the ground. She rolled back, kicking the dinosaur off her and into another one, but not before it slashed at her with its claws tearing her shirt across the belly.

She rose to her feet, panting. I had to do something. There was no way she could keep fighting them off by herself. I looked towards the watchtower. Still another twenty yards away, but something else caught my eye. A switch box at the base of a light pole, but that wasn't all. A green light was on and the box had a row of switches that were off. This place still has power. If I could just make it there.

I heard a shriek to my left and saw another dinosaur charging toward me. I swiped with the butt of the spear and knocked it to the side. There was a large gap between the creatures. Nows my chance.

I ran towards the switch box. Sweat pouring down my face, my wounds throbbing and bleeding. Just a few more yards.

There was child-like giggling from the darkness in front of me. I slid to a stop. From underneath the tower between the struts a very large shadow moved like a snake would through tree branches. This new creature stepped out of the shadows and blocked my view of the switch box. It was another laughing death but this one must have been three times the size of the others. It perked up its incredibly long head plumes and roared loudly. The animal's face was covered in scars, and its right arm was cut off at the elbow, where there was only a knobby stump. This must have been the same creature that attacked Uncle victor.

The other laughing death had backed off at the arrival of this new dinosaur which moved its head in a large arc as it sidestepped around me. Its eyes rolled in their sockets, but they remained unfocused, however, its disgusting pulsating face organ opened up as it scanned me for an opening to attack. The light from my torch seemed to keep it back, but as soon as I moved it lunged after me.

I rolled out of the way of the creature's jaws as they snapped shut right where I was. Now I was standing near the boarding house. I popped to my feet and went to open the door before I realized it was locked. I turned and saw a pair of large drooling jaws heading right toward me. I moved to the side and the dinosaur's head crashed into the door, smashing it to splinters. I took my spear into the side of the dinosaur. It shrieked in pain and turned away, knocking me over the store railing with its tail, breaking the spear knocking the shaft out of my hands.

My head was spinning. The giant laughing death was trying to pull the knife out of it's side with its teeth. The dinosaur shrieked and spun aroundfrustation. I looked over to see a lot of the smaller ones were all by the switch box. I have to get them away from there somehow.

Miyabi was facing down three more dinosaurs. She was clutching her bleeding shoulder while still holding her sword in a defensive pose. I have to do something right now!

I picked up the torch and ran for the switch box. I threw the torch causing the dinosaurs by the box to scatter from the light. The large dinosaur. Attacked from the left and I rolled underneath the dinosaur's legs as it screamed at me and slashed at me with its claw, cutting me grazing my back. I got to my feet. I was now behind the big preditor. The switch box was just a few feet in front of me now. I sprinted towards the green light.

Sharp pain in my arm brought me to my knees. One of the smaller laughing death latched onto my shoulder. I let out a cry. The larger animal spun around and began to walk towards me. I punched the animal on my arm but it refused to let go. It snarled as it tried to drag me across the ground. 



Suddenly, the dino's jaws went lax. Stuck in the animal's side was MIyabi's sword. The animal took two steps then dropped to the dirt. The sword glistened in the green light from the switch box.

The large animal turned its head away from me just as Miyabi leaped onto its side and yanked the knife out of its hide. It snapped at her but she held on. She kept stabbing the knife into the dinosaur's back over and over again, staining the white fur on its back with its own blood. The dinosaur let out a loud roar.

 I grabbed my bleeding arm and crawled for the switch box.

I looked over to see Miyabi still stabbing the dinosaur in the side repeatedly as it tried to shake her off. I made it to the box but it was locked. I picked up a rock and started smashing the lock desperately. Another laughing death appeared to my right. The lock broke off. I whipped the rock at the laughing death driving it back. I glanced over to see Miyabi had fallen off the back of the animal and was lying on her back. The dinosaur placed its foot on her pinning her. It leveled its jaws over Miyabi's head. Then.

CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK. I flicked all the switches down the row.

All the lights around the complex came on.

The small animals scattered. The large dinosaur fumbled and screamed. Before retreating into the darkness. I slumped down in front of the switch box.

Miyabi slowly got to her feet. She looked like a zombie as she limped over to where her sword was and pulled it out of the corpse of the dino. She then began to limp in the direction the large animal had run off in.

"Miyabi wait!" Still in pain. I got to my feet and ran over to her. She stopped, but she didn't turn to face me. The lights began flickering. "I have no idea how long the lights will stay on. We need to get into the guard tower now." She didn't answer me. Her body twitched slightly. I slowly walked closer to her. "Miyabi-"

Her hand clutched my throat. 

Primal Saga Volume 1: The Queen of SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now