Chapter 24: Aftermath

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"I play Queen Vampire Lizard and attack your Mecha Monkey for 5 damage to your HP for game," Aila said with an exaggerated evil laugh. "That's three victories in a row for me."

"Ok now I'm starting to think my deck is rigged," I said, setting my hand of cards down on my hospital sheets and laid my head back on my pillow. For the past week and a half, I have been in the hospital in Laurensia, monitored by a team of doctors. My trip into the jungle left me with a broken left arm, deep punctures in my right arm which have become infected, and apparently a stomach parasite that has been giving me hell the past few days. All these ailments are treatable of course. The doctors all said I am very lucky none of my injuries became necrotic.

"Na-uh. I play-tested all of my decks. They are all balanced," Aila said with a pout. "You just suck at this."

"Oh really? And who have you played against besides yourself?" I retorted.

"My little brother and little sister," she said. "Also my dad. He brought all of his cards with him from old earth when he moved here. He has like a few copies of every card ever made so you can build any deck you want."

"Your dad really spent all that time and energy preserving old card games and manga?"

"Oh, that's nothing. You should see his retro video game collection," Aila said with excitement. "You should come and visit our home in Rodinia. I bet you and my dad would get along really well."

I adjusted myself in my hospital bed. "Thanks for the offer but I'm not planning on leaving Laurensia for a long while. Not ready to be in the company of death again anytime soon."

Aila gave me a pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Ok. Ok. I'll visit when we are on Summer break. Happy?


"Uh-oh. What did you agree to, Donnie?" Isaac said as he entered the room followed by Jenny who was carrying Ace's crushed body.

"I agreed to visit Aila's house in the Summer."

"You should all come. We can have a beach party," Aila added.

"Summer is a ways away," Isaac said. "Not sure how busy my family's farm will be then. I think I could stop by for the weekend at least."

"I'll go too," Jenny said. "Because you offered. Not because Isaac is going to be there or anything."

Aila and I looked at her doubtfully. She is as subtle as getting hit in the face by a brick.

"Anyway," Jenny said, laying Ace down on the bed in front of me. "We cleaned all the poison out of him so he's now safe for you to work on him. Poor little guy gave his life to protect you," said with a frown. "Do you think you can get him running again?"

I peered at Ace's crushed body but was happy to see his head was completely intact. "It looks like his data core is untouched. I am going to need a few replacement parts special ordered, but I am positive I can get him running with a few days of hard work," I said, bitting my thumb, thinking of all the things I was going to need to replace or modify. "Aila? If I give your Dad a parts list, do you think he can pull some strings and get them delivered from Vaalbara by... say... three days."

"It may cost a bit extra," Aila said in thought "but I am sure he could make that happen."

"My aunt has offered to cover the expenses. She is VERY thankful for Ace saving me twice," I said. "Once from the Arbora and again when his receiver picked up the distress call I sent out. I'm so lucky you decided to clean Ace, Isaac, because if you didn't and that call went unnoticed then I would have been dead for sure."

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