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After class I got a text from Xander saying I should meet him outside, that he needed to discuss something.

"I'll be right back" I told Emily but she just kept following me

"Emily I said I'll be right back" I said almost shouting but camly

"I know but if you leave me now then James would want to talk and i don't think i want that" She said as a single tears fell from her eyes

"Why are you crying?" I asked rubbing my thumb on her cheeks..... But it only made more tears to fall

"I don't know...... I just......i just feel weak" She responded

"When was the last time you drank, you know?" I asked getting worried

"Yesterday" She said looking at me in the eyes

"Are you hungry?" I asked but she nodded negatively

"Ehm, is there anything I can get you?" I asked but she nodded 'no' again

"Look Emily...... I don't know what's wrong but i promise when i get back we will talk" I said as I ran outside the school

I don't know why but I feel some kind of spark between us...... I feel like i have to protect her at all cost....... I feel like she is my other half ....... I feel like she is the one that Valentine has always had visions about....... But, I am not sure if she feel the same and I don't think I am ready to admit to the fact that I am in love..... I ....... Ender Edwards ....... I am truly in love with someone.......... Not with an ordinary person..... But, with a chosen one just like me and most of all a beautiful one.

On getting outside, I saw Xander on the phone with someone

When he saw me, he placed a finger up telling me to hold on

"Yeah i will talk to him about it" he said on the phone before he disconnected the call and turned his attention to me

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked him when he didn't say anything

"Well...... I heard you brought a girl yesterday after school....... Who's she?" He asked

"A friend" I said rolling my eyes

"A friend?....... Hmm........... I heard she's pretty-"

"Cut the chase man...... What do you want?" I asked getting curious about what he wants

"OK,ok........ Calm your horses down brother" He said before smirking knowing that I am curious to know what he wants to say

"You know........ I have like two minutes before my next class, so i advise you hurry up" I said

"Well........... You can go then" He said taunting me

"Just speak" I said getting frustrated

"Mom said to tell you that more of our cousins are coming to the human world........ So after school come home early so that you can start packing........... We are heading to the family house" Xander said

"What If I want to come to school? Or maybe when I want to come back home after school? Who is going to drive me because I don't think anyone will find it funny when they see a supposed twelve years old driving" I said

"Well........ After school everyday, you move to our 'old' house........ Then take your car and drive to the family house" He answered

"Alright......... Anything else?" I asked after hearing the bell for the next period

"Nah........ Bye......... Hope you bring your little cutie or should i say girlfriend" Xander said waving

"Yeah........ Whatever" I said moving into the school building and to my next class

I wonder how Emily is doing

I don't know why but i feel like being with Ender and never letting go........ I just feel a strong connection with Ender that i just can't explain

Well after Ender left me and moved outside the school building........... Misha approached me

You see Misha is also a vampire and she happens to be the most prettiest girl in the school with me second to her ............. But, truth be told...... I don't like her because she is from a weird clan of vampires

The clan she is from are always causing trouble in the vampire world and always blaming it on my clan

Her clan take humans as pet not for feeding but for torturing

They use different torturing device on them like whips, cuffs, needles e.t.c

"Hey Emily" She said smiling causing me to fake a smile and rub my eyes to secretly clean the tears

"Hi Misha" I responded

"I heard you and Ender are like friends"

"Yeah...... Not really but we are getting there" i said shrugging

"You know that he is dangerous right?" She asked becoming serious

"He is not" I said defending Ender

"And how do you know that?" She asked

"I don't ........ I just know" I said confused about how i am so certain that Ender is not dangerous

"You know the type of family he is friom, they are heartless and are capable of doing anything" She said

"And yours is not?" I said making her glare at me

"Look i know what your clan is capable of so don't try to play innocent" I said to her

"At least my clan members are not weaklings like yours" She saud giving me a scary look

"And trust us....... This time we are getting that key and it would be my family holding it" She said pointing at herself

"Well your family has been saying that for more than a decade now, so can you stop talking like you are one of the people i am going against....... Just tell your elder brother to get ready for my clan and me especially" I said confidently

"You have no chance of winning......... Not when the Edwards are still existing" She said smirking and immediately the school bell rang meaning i have to get to my next class

"We'll see about that" I said walking towards my next class
Alright another chapter completed
Hope you guys enjoyed it
Quote of the day:
Never be afraid of growing old because not everyone is opportuned to get to that stage in life
Ok guys please dont forget to
Hearts and kisses😚😚

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