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Yay!!! Double update
Hope you guys are as excited as I am

"Please excuse me Alpha, I would like to talk to miss Emily" Susan said sticking her head into the conference room

Before she came, Ender was asking us to prepare details about our warriors so that he can know the strongest and the weakest and he also said the vampire warriors would join us for training everyday starting tomorrow

"Well she can't be excused, so do you mind telling us what's wrong?" James asked

"Well, you see Alpha, Aria said she wants miss Emily to come play with her and she kept disturbing and threatening me that if I don't get her that she would disrupt this meeting and blame it on me" Susan said looking tensed

Wow clever

Not that I'm proud of her or anything, but I know she can't do that because all she gives is empty threats

I know my daughter pretty well

I couldn't help but laugh and so did Summer

But James just smiled

"You know that she is just pulling your legs right?" James asked Susan

"I know sir, but she actually looked serious this time" Susan said pouting

James just nodded and gave her a finger telling her to hold on

"Ender I think we are done with this discussion, yes?" James asked looking at Ender who was reading the papers that Adam gave to him not so long ago

Ender just nodded in response

"Are you guys staying the night or are you going 'cos it's quite late"

"We actually don't mind staying for the night" Ender said looking at his siblings who just nodded yes

"It would give me enough time to go through this" Ender said raising the papers in his hands

"And I also want to see this very interesting little Aria" Ender said still looking at James

"Alright then" James said standing up from where he was seated

"Susan over here will show you to your room" James said pointing to Susan who immediately straighten up

"Alright" Ender said also standing before following Susan out of the room along with his family

"I need to go see Aria" I said also going out

On getting to Aria's room, I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I saw her painting while Asher and some kids in the pack watched

Immediately she noticed me, she ran to me opening her arms for me to hug her

"Are you people done with the meeting?" Aria asked looking at me with her big eyes

Well not big big but more like a panda eyes... Well... Not exactly

You know what, adorable, her stunning adorable eyes

"Yes we are, but I don't want you guys making noise because our guests are sleeping over " I said looking at all of them

"What are you drawing?" I asked moving close to her converse

She is a really good artist and she has great passion for it, so I got her all the instrument necessary

She is currently 24 years in her vampire age, along with Asher

Our vampire world or let's just say our world moves faster than the normal world, but we can live for centuries, meaning we can live for a very long time

But we actually stop aging physically once we are 20 years old

"The pack house" She said following me

Wow... It looks beautiful

"Its beautiful " I said looking at her which made her smile widely

"So, are you guys hungry?" I asked looking at the four kids -minus Aria - infront of me

"Yes please " Asher said pretending to faint which made me laugh

"Alright everyone follow me to the kitchen" I said leading the way, while they followed me

"What are you planning on making for us at 7:00 in the evening" Brian asked

Brian is Jamie and Adam son and they also have a daughter Ruby

While marching through the hall with the kids, we saw Adrian and Ender talking


Just great

"Hey dad" Ruby said Immediately we were in front of them

"What's up kids? Where are you taking them to? They should all be in bed" Adam said

"We're going to see if we can make some food to eat" I said

I couldn't help but feel nervous when Ender kept starring between I and Aria

"Wow, this one actually looks and smells like you" Ender said pointing to Aria

Adam was about to say something but I quickly spoke up ignoring Enders comment

"Come on guys let's go" I said holding Aria

I was about to scrap away from Ender but no, he just had to speak

"Don't be rude to your guest Emily " Ender said calmly but his voice held so much authority that I practically froze at that point

"Can I please have a word with you?" He said when I finally made eye contact with him, I saw the pleading look and I couldn't help but want to actually listen to him

Why am I such a big softy?

"Aria, Asher, take the rest along with you, I'll meet you guys in the kitchen" I said looking at Aria

"Ah, so you're Aria" Ender said looking at Aria who just gave him a confused look

"How do you know me?" She asked

Wow... I would really give it to him on this one, she never speaks when she is around strangers but in this case Ender is not a stranger to me

"Well I for one I'm a fan of yours " He said but Aria still gave him a confused look

"I've heard so much about you and all your awesome powers and also how your mum over here kept pushing you to be a strong and brave little girl that you are. You see your family is very popular especially to people in my kingdom so I've heard a lot about you and about basically everyone here " Ender said the last part looking at me

I couldn't help but feel scared

So he knows Aria is my daughter

He has always known I had a daughter

But, does he know she is his child?
Hey guys,
Hope you like my little present
Tell me what you think in the comment box
Quote of the day :
You will face many defeat in life, but never let yourself be defeated

Don't forget to
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Hearts and kisses 😘 😙 💜

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