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You know one of those times when you and your friend are walking with someone but you two are just too into the conversation that you don't even care about the third person

Well that is what is going on right now

Ender is ahead of us but we are still following and keeping an eye on him so that we don't lose him

"I really think he is cute" Summer says

"Yeah but let me tell you now, he is not your type" I said rolling me eyes

"You're just jealous" she said

"Yeah jealous" I said

"Can you girls not talk about me when I'm like five feet away from you" Ender said

"Yeah Summer stop yapping about Ender" I said while Summer blushes causing Ender to chuckle

"We better hurry up cause my dad won't appreciate human parents disturbing him as to why their child came home late" he says and then abruptly stopped

"We're here" he says

"Wait what" I asked shocked

Right in front of us stood a mansion like an actual mansion

This house is like heaven, like it is so big that even Summer gasped at how large it was

"Come on, let's go to my room" Ender says without even looking at us and just like that we walked into the house and we were greeted by a little girl

"Hi" I said to her but before she could respond Ender gave her one of those looks that says "get lost" and then she just left towards what I think is the kitchen area

"Ender what took you so long and what's up with the chicks" A guy says coming from upstairs

"My dad didn't bring me home because of someone" Ender says looking at me

"Hi pretty" the guy says kissing the back of my hand

"I'm sorry sir, I promise it won't happen again,please" A girl says coming from upstairs also

"You better get back into the room before this before quite ugly for you, I hope you know what that means" Another guy says from up the stairs

"Please sir please" the girl begged crying

"Josh get your pet under control and John leave Emily she just came for an assignment"Ender says looking at both boys and suddenly the one I suppose is Josh was immediately in front of the girl

"UP NOW" He yells while his eyes changes a dark shade of red and Immediately the girl ran back upstairs

"Have fun Ender" Josh said before using his vamp speed to go to his room

"See you later princess" John says before entering the same room as Josh

I have finally met the twin ...Wow they are hot

"Come on"Ender said making I and Summer look at each other, surprise and shock written all over our faces

"Come on" I said caring less if they followed me or not

Looking back, I saw that both girls were dumbfounded and just looking at me

"Come on" I said much slower in case they didn't hear me the first time, they both snapped out of their trances

"I better get going, nice meeting you Ender" Summer said and I can see the scare in her eyes

You see ever since I lost my old pet during the blood moon, I've been looking for someone naive enough to be my pet, that is why I came to the Human world

Due to my natural good looks, human girls would be like swarm of bees around me and I will be like a honey attractive to them

That is, I would have so many choices to pick from

"Bye Emily" Summer said rushing towards the door

Definitely scared

"Bye"Emily said.

"Come on" I said for the third time now making me angry because I hate repeating myself

Once inside my bedroom we began with the assignment on my study desk

"You really like reading huh" Emily said looking at my book shelf filled with books

"Well I got to have something as a hobby"

"Hmm" she hummed in response

"Do you have a lover?" I asked Emily

"What?!! No,I Don't" she yells

"Calm down, why then do you have a bite mark" I asked tracing my hand around the mark and then she slapped my hand away making me smirk

But I'm confused because I could have sworn I felt a spark and I know she did too

"I don't know I met it there when I woke up this morning" she replied with her hand on her neck

I guess she didn't feel it

I was angry with myself because I didn't know who did this to me and the worst part was that I slept through it

My mind was so distracted that I didn't feel the spark when Ender hands were on my neck

Right now my mind was on what that poor girl did that made Josh shout at her like that

I mean do their parents know what they do to their pet

"Yes and they are in full support of it" Ender said answering my thought

Sneaky mind reading idiot

"Do you know what she did" I asked nervously

"She probably didn't allow him feed from her or she went through His stuff" he said looking elsewhere

"Oh" was all I could mutter

Now I know why people are afraid of the Edwards,it is because they are heartless and care less about people emotion and feelings

I pity all the pets present in this house... I just pray that he does not focus on Summer because then she would be doomed and I can't bear to loose my best friend to a monster

"I know who gave you the bite mark" he said surprising me and now I'm curious

"Who?" I said confused as to why he would tell ME

Yay!! Another chapter done
I want to give a big shout out to onlyshannon ... Thank you so much for voting in all my three chapters... I love you so much... And please guys check out her book .... it's wonderful

Please guys tell your friends about my book...share it with them

Word of today: Love means more than you think...if you love someone be ready to risk all for the person

Alright guys if you love my story tell me in the comment below
If you think my story is not good enough also tell me in the comment I will try to make amendment

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P.S-- this story is not yet edited so please don't mind my grammar and just over look my mistake or words misspelled

Hugs and kisses😘😘

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