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Hello my dear readers🥳🎉🎊

I know it has been a while and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update THE CHOSEN LOVE.

I've been really occupied with school and even now that we are in exam period it's even more stressful, but I will try my best to start updating again and I hope you guys stay with me on this journey.

I promise not to disappoint you all because you are all wonderful and it has been my dream to be a writer and not just a reader.

A big shout-out toDarkculprit_ and Donnablue06

Thank you guys so much for being my driving force and motivating me to keep on writing, I love you guys so much.

I also want to say a very big THANK YOU to Darkculprit_ for making my book cover

And to my dear readers, do not be angry, like I've said, I will try my best to always update and give you guys quality content

For those of you asking, I wrote this novel at a very young age of 15/16, so please don't mind the fact that it is too blunt

I wish to properly edit it sometime in the future.

Thank you guys so much for your love, support and understanding 🥰

Don't forget to
Comment and
Hearts and kisses 😘😘

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