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On Monday, we were told by my brother that we needed to be in the pack house as soon as possible, so we all started packing

Peter, being the Beta male of the pack was already there to get things running before my brother - the alpha- would arrive

"What's that mark on your neck?" I couldn't help but notice the mark on Summer's neck

"Oh, that was where your brother marked me" She replied as she helped me pack my clothes

"Wait, so that means you guys have..." I said unable to complete the sentence as I blushed

"Yeah " Summer said simply shrugging

"Is it that bad?" She asked running her hands through the spot

"Nope, not at all" I answered sincerely

I mean, it wasn't that bad, but it was quite noticeable and I didn't want to tell her that

"Guys, we need to hurry now, I just got a call from Peter, we just had another attack" My brother said rushing into my room and then hurrying back into his room to get both him and Summer luggage, while I hurriedly packed my remaining clothes and closed my box

"I just pray I make a good luna" I heard her whisper to herself intending for me not to hear it, but I did anyways

"You will" I simply said to her as we both rushed out of the house

During the ride back to our Kingdom, my brother kept getting phone calls from Peter about the people that were injured and about the unexpected attack

"Emily" My mom said catching my attention

"Who are you staying with?" She asked as James got off another phone call from Peter

"Yeah are you staying with dad in the clan house or with us in the pack house? " James asked looking at me in the eyes for my answer

"I'll stay with dad in the clan house" I said, which made Summer to cough out loud and I just glared at her

"Besides, I've been living in the pack house almost all my life and someone needs to take care of dad" I said explaining myself further as Summer just rolled her eyes at me

"Sure" Was his quick reply before we were once again enveloped in complete silence

Once we got to our Kingdom, we decided to spend the night at the pack house before I would move over to the clan house tomorrow

"Alpha, thank the goddess you're here" Jamie said Immediately we entered the pack house as she approaches us

"How bad was the attack?" James asked changing mode quickly to Alpha mode

"Not too bad, but a lot of our warriors were injured" She responded

Jamie is Peter twin sister and also the Beta female of our pack

She is a really smart girl and a really great fighter

Her mate, Adam, is equally of good help to the pack house

"Sorry to ask Alpha, but who is she?" She asked pointing to Summer and scanning her from head to toe

I noticed that this made Summer uncomfortable because she kept her focus on the ground and she kept shifting her weight from one leg to another

She does this when she is nervous

"You would know very soon Jamie, just organise a meeting for 12:00 am, everyone in this pack must be present, except for the few warrior who are getting treatment" My brother commanded leaving no room for discussion as he placed his hands on Summer's waist to comfort her and I saw it worked because she looks more calm

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