Chapter seven (7)

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Tubbo's hooves clacked against the wooden office floor. He was pacing, Ranboo had been gone for a while. He's never gone that long.

Tubbo paced quicker, gnawing on some of the papers scattered around his office, now realizing it was a mess again.

His pacing stopped when he heard the door click.

"Tubbo?" A soft voice spoke.

A nervous bleep escaped his throat.

"hEYYY, boss man," Tubbo choked, trying to fight the anxious breaks in his voice.

"Are you doing alright? You seem pretty stressed," Ranboo reasoned - but - Tubbo was too embarrassed to admit he was in this state because of Ranboo.

"I'm good," Tubbo slyly lied, "just work and being president."

"Oh...Uhm I've got this for you if it helps," Ranboo said, hands carefully reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a few emeralds, having guessed that they were Tubbo's favorite.

"Awee, boss man..." Tubbo accidentally let out an affectionate bleat. "Thank you." He said, biting back a smirk.

Tubbo must've thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but he swore he saw Ranboo's cheeks colour.

"You're welcome," Ranboo's voice softened to a whisper, "would you like to come with me, I imagine being cooped up in a office all day isn't good for you..."

"Not with your height" Tubbo winked mischievously, just to tease.

Ranboo flustered.

"I would love to go, boss man," Tubbo chuckled. "Show me the way."

Ranboo gracefully took Tubbo's hand in his and they slipped out the door.

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