Chapter twelve (12)

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Tubbo wrote many letters when Ranboo left. What of? He can't tell and he'll take it to the grave. He's so stupid. Sending someone away when he has no reason to, upsetting his loved ones. And then playing the victim. He's just hoping to rekindle his friendship with Ranboo. However, he was sure Ranboo didn't think the same.

Tubbo stared at the ink-splattered page with only a few words written down. 'I want you back.' He sighs and crumples the paper in his fist and throws it at the window. At least all the enderman have left.

He rests against his desk head in his palms. And looks outside, it's pitch black, as he thought. He'd been in his office all day, writing - nothing.

He freezes as he hears a knock at his door, followed by an aggressive pounding. He carefully walks over, grabbing his key and unlocking the door. Taking a step back as it swings open.

There, stood a menacingly tall Ranboo, purple eyes staring deep into Tubbo. They staggered in, knocking over a bland coat hanger.

"⏁⎍⏚⏚⍜," (Tubbo,) they croaked. "⊬⍜⎍'⎐⟒ ⊑⎍⍀⏁ ⋔⟒." (you've hurt me).

"Wha-what?" Tubbo stuttered. Then, Ranboo launched at Tubbo pushing him into the desk, destroying things in the process. 

"Dude, what the fuck!" Tubbo shouts as he tries to fight back, struggling under Ranboo's grip, their face contorting with anger. Earning them a kick in the stomach.



I'm so sorry, I had to feed you somehow- i hope that'll suffice for now :)

250 words

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