Chapter eight (8)

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By now, the sun has set and bright specks of light scatter across the sky for their nightly spin. Tempting fireflies to come out of hiding and for crickets to sing.

A weeping willow came alive with carefully placed lanterns giving of a fairytale-esque atmosphere that Tubbo found a tiny bit cringy.

"Wow..." Tubbo half-faked amazement, not wanting Ranboo to feel like he let him down.

"Do you like it?" Ranboo nervously asked.

"Yeah..." Tubbo said avoiding Ranboo's eyes and letting go of his hand. "It's lovely,"

Ranboo felt as if something was wrong but his tail swooshed slowly, signifying some sort of happiness. Ranboo picked up the pace quickly scooting across the soft soil, Tubbo gently taking grip of his tail.

He spun around sending Tubbo crashing into him.

"I'm don- Umph" Ranboo spoke surprisingly succumbing to Tubbo's grasp on his upper arms and waist.

"You alright, boss man?" Tubbo said letting go of Ranboo and dusting himself off.

"Yea-Yeah..." Ranboo sighs. "Do you mind if I...?"

"Oh, No! Bossman go ahead," Tubbo said softly.

Ranboo slumps against the tree, eyes heavy. He closes them, only opening to a violent violet.

"Welcome back, Catboo," Tubbo lovingly cooed in Ranboo's ear, making it flick.

His face turned purple, letting out an indistinguishable chirp. Tubbo laid next to Ranboo, picking up one of his tails and rubbing it.

Ranboo leaned into Tubbo's touch, purring.

"Meow-meow," Tubbo started "do you like it when I do this?"

Tubbo earned a respectful chirp.


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