Best Friends

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I woke up early as usual. I tried to go to sleep early, but I was too busy studying for my trigonometry quiz today. I rolled out of bed and went to my bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked into the mirror. Brown hair, thin eyebrows, thick eyelashes, pulp lips and blue eyes. I look like my mom, but everyone says I look more like my dad. Anyway, I took a shower, then picked an outfit for today. Since February is a freezing month, I wore a blue plaid shirt, black jeans, blue converses, sweater, coat, and gloves. As you may have noticed my favorite color is blue.

Anyway, I went downstairs to my mother and my aunt cooking breakfast. My dad and uncle were sitting at the table reading the newspaper and talking. The first one to look at me was my mom

"Morning!! You look adorable!", she squealed giving me a hug and went back to cooking "making your favorite today, need you energized for that test"

"Thanks mom", I quietly said blushing

"Still blushes like when she was as a baby", my aunt commented and I smiled

"What do you mean when she was a baby? She's still my babygirl", my dad said and I sighed

"Dad, I'm sixteen, no more baby talk please", I groaned as I sat at the table and he growled. My mom set my breakfast down in front of me and kissed the top of my head

"Morning family!", a booming voice yelled and I jumped. We looked and saw Jamie. My heart started beating and breath shortening. Jamie was my cousin and.... I happen to have a crush on him. My mom and Auntie Haley have been friends since birth and practically call themselves sisters. My dad and Uncle Becks call each other brothers, so you see the problem right? It's almost like I'm crushing on my cousin, but we're not blood cousins. He has a girlfriend anyway, so eh fuck it.

Anyway, Jamie was born on the same day as me like our moms. He's almost a spitting image of his father, but his wolf is a spitting image of his mom's wolf. Yup, he's a War wolf as well lucky!! I have my mom's wolf as well, which is cool. He has grey eyes, black hair, perfect lips, and he was tall as his father. He wore an orange polo, black cargo pants, and black boots. His favorite color is orange.

"Morning Jamie", Aunt Haley greeted her son

"Morning mom", he replied and sat across from "hey Willow"

"Hey Jay", I said eating my breakfast.

Sigh... He's just gorgeous! My wolf squealed and I smiled

Hush Selena! I growled

Oh come on you know it's true, she said and I blushed.

When breakfast was over, I put on my stuff and went outside. Unfortunately for me, I already had my driver license, so I would have to drive alone with Jamie for at least twenty minutes. Longest twenty minutes of my life.

"So the Valentine's day dance is coming up, who's your date?", he asked leaning against the window and looking at me

"I'm not going", I answered and he gasped

"Why not?", he whined and I rolled my eyes

"Because I don't want to and why do you care? You have your girlfriend to go with", I replied spitting out the word girlfriend like it's a dirty word. He didn't seem to notice

"She can't go and since you're not going, come with me", he said and I shook my head, even though my wolf was jumping with joy "oh come on you're my best friend, I couldn't think of anyone else to go with". BOOM! There it was... I was friend zoned. I mean I excepted that, but damn. I sighed then looked at him, he was giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll go to the stupid party", I finally said driving up to the school

"Yay!", he squealed and I blushed a little.

I hate school. I mean I have friends.... No, actually I know people, I only have three friends. I'm a nerd like my mom, but I don't get picked on because I'm the Beta's daughter and the future Alpha's "cousin". It's February, second month of the New Year and nothing feels different. The Valentine's Day dance is coming and as you know, Jamie asked so now I have to get a dress ughhh!!

We arrived at school and I parked. I was greeted by my friends, Anna and Cassie. Jamie got out and his girlfriend ran into his arms.

"Barf", Anna whispered making a throw up face

"Come on girls, move your ass or we'll be late to class", Cassie said smiling

"Wow that's an original Dr. Seuss", I commented smiling and she growled at me. My friends knew I have a crush on and they totally didn't judge me. Anyway, we linked arms and went to class.

"Did you study?", Anna asked as we sat next to the windows

"You know she did, she's planning to be valedictorian", Cassie answered and I nodded. As the bell rang, the rest of the class came in along with Jamie and his girlfriend, Elsa. Elsa is a total bitch, but pretends to be sweet around Jamie. She doesn't bully me, but she tends sneak in a few smart remarks and glare at me when Jamie and I are hang out. The day went on slowly and I found myself tired and bored. My trigonometry quiz was easy and I know that I've passed.

My life is boring, I always do the same thing and expect the same thing. Nothing new happens. I know how the story will end with Jamie and I and that's why I won't even try to confront him about my feelings... In other words, my life kinda sucks...


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