Left Alone

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I put on my dress and did my hair. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.

Don't worry, you look beautiful! Selena said and I blushed

Thanks, I replied and she smiled

Come on, Jamie's waiting for you, she commented and I nodded. I grabbed my purse and coat then went downstairs. Jane and twins were talking at the table, Jamie was leaning against the counter waiting. I walked in and everyone looked at me.

"So beautiful!", aunt Jane squealed rushing over to me "blue really is your color"

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"So beautiful!", aunt Jane squealed rushing over to me "blue really is your color"

"Thank you auntie", I whispered blushing. I looked over at Jamie and he was staring at back me

"Say something fool", Orion whispered nudging him with his elbow

"You-you look different", he commented "beautiful". I blushed even more and smiled

"Thanks Jay", I replied with a nodded and he smiled. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Jane offered to give us a ride and we said yeah, because there isn't a way in hell that I'm driving in heels. When we got there, everyone was dancing and having fun. I saw my friends and they ran towards me.

"I told you, you'd rock that dress", Anna commented smiling

"It fits you perfectly", Cassie squealed and I smiled back

"Thanks", I replied excitedly

"Wanna dance?", Jamie asked holding out his hand and I took it.

We danced for a few songs. We were laughing and talked. It was fun. Jamie looked overly hot and... Distracted. It was no doubt he was thinking about her. He gave me a slight smile then looked across the room and he froze. I followed his gaze and sighed of course. I can feel Selena trying to come out.

I won't hurt her, I'll just kill her! Selena growled and I shook my head. Elsa wore a short red dress with her hair up. She looked like the devil. She had a guy on her arm and you should've seen the look on Jamie's face.

"Oh my, I didn't know you would be here", Elsa said shocked with a fake smile "you look pretty Willow"

"Ditto", I replied with a fake smile and she looked at Jamie

"Jamie", she said plainly

"Elsa", he replied with a straight face "may I speak to you in private?"

"I suppose so, excuse us", she spoke walking away with Jamie. I glared at her, I wish I can take her head off. The guy that she was with and I just stood there like fools

"Do you go to this school? I've never seen you around", I asked and he shook his head

"I already graduated high school', he answered and I nodded hmm, strange... He looked at me and smiled

"You know, you seem like a very nice person so I'm just gonna tell you", he paused for a moment "Elsa isn't the type of girl you want to mess with when it comes to what's hers, be careful". I wasn't afraid of Elsa, if that bitch wanted to fight we can. I looked at Jamie and Elsa, they were already making out. I rolled my eyes and walked away

"Hey, what happened?", Anna called as she Cassie walked beside me

"The she devil", I answered nudging my head towards the cute couple"I need to go for a run".


"Elsa isn't the type of girl you want to mess with when it comes to what's hers, be careful...". What the hell did he mean by that? Is there more to Elsa that I don't know? Why is her spirit so dark? I need to know these things! It's killing me!! After I dropped my friends off at home, I went for a run and stopped at the mountain that my mom and Haley used to hang out at. I sat there and stared at the sky. I remember being little and my mom reading me fairytales, I wanted to be a princess so badly. But you are a princess! My princess! My dad would say and I giggled. Life was so much easier, what the hell happened? Oh yea.... I grew up.

Willow?! Where are you? I heard Jamie mindlinked me and I sighed

I'm places, I answered

Come on knock it off, he said

Go have fun your girlfriend and leave me alone, I replied and there was silence. I just laid there listening, feeling, and seeing. An hour later, I went home and Jane saw me oh boy...

"Hey! You're here early", she said walking up to me "where's Jamie?" Oh boy...

"I wasn't feeling too good and Elsa had came, so I told Jamie to stay with her", I answered with a slight smile. She didn't seem to buy it, but she knew I didn't want to talk about it. She smiled and nodded

"Do you want anything?", she asked, I shook my head and went upstairs to my room. After a long nice shower, I changed into my pjs and put hair into a ponytail. I spent my time doing homework, watching videos on YouTube, and reading. When I looked up at my clock it was going on 12 in the morning.

"Willow", a soft deep voice called from the other side of the door "you up?"

"Go to sleep Jamie", I sighed looking at the door

"I'm sorry", he said

"It's fine now, go to sleep", I replied glaring at the door, hoping he won't open the door

"Alright good night", he mumbled

"Yeah", I spoke going back to my music.

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