Nerv Wrecking

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Our lovely Willow in a Rosa Carla wedding dress

"No, this is too much", I whined as I looked at the fifth dress I tried on today

"I like it! You look like a princess!", Anna said excitedly and I groaned. My wedding day is tomorrow and although my mom and Haley picked ten dresses for me, I have to choose one. It was hard for me to pick considering I don't wear dresses often. I was completely nervous about everything.

"What about this?", Angelina asked taking out another dress. I looked at for a while

"I'll try it on", I said taking the dress and going behind the curtain. I smoothed out the dress and took a deep breath before going out

"You look beautiful in every dress", my mom said and everyone nodded

"This one has a cute little coat", Angelina commented and helped me into the coat. It was cute. I looked in the mirror and thought

Choose this one! Selena said and I sighed

It is beautiful, fits me well and it isn't too flashy, I replied turning to the side to see the train

The skirt is fluffy and the coat makes it unique, Selena added and I nodded

"This one", I said softly with a smile and everyone cheered "I choose this one"

"Finally!", Cassie groaned leaning back in her chair and Anna cheered "you were taking forever"

"You should've seen Haley on her wedding day", my mom chuckled and Haley glared at her "you were worse Haley, throwing whatever she could get in here hands"

"I was pregnant! My hormones were everywhere!", Haley stated and I chuckled. After changing out of my dress and into my house clothes, I went to the kitchen. I turned on the radio and started cooking for lunch.

"Whatcha cooking mama?", Anna asked as she and Cassie walked into the kitchen

"Food and if you want to eat it, help me out here", I replied handing her a spoon and she took it

"Tomorrow is the big day", Cassie stated and Anna jumped up and down excitedly "ready for this?"

"Of course I am, I already planned on spending the rest of my life with Jamie", I replied smiling

"Remember back in highschool, she used to daydreaming about him?", Cassie asked and I glared at her "oh Jamie is so perfect! When will he notice me?! Why is he with that bitch?! Do you think he likes me?"

"Okay first off, I don't sound like that and secondly, I never said any of them", I argued and she raised an eyebrow "okay maybe I said the last two"

"Hey guys!", Anna said awkwardly and I blushed looking at Jamie- did he hear us?

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