Wolf Ballerina....

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Tiffany's POV

As Victor and I got ready, I couldn't help but to smile and to think how lucky I was. I looked out the window, watching the various size snowflakes fall, a pair of big warm strong arms wrapped around me. I leaned my head back as he pecked my neck a few times

Don't tease! I growled and he chuckled lowly

"We have to get going Tiff, don't want to miss Willow's show", He whispered but his voice was low and husky, after all these years he can still make my knees weak. I smiled at the thought of Willow. She had grown up so quickly, it seem like she and Jamie were just born yesterday. To find out they were mates was probably the best news ever. I don't have to worry about her getting hurt or heart broken, because I knew Haley and Becks raised him well. Hell, even I was there to raise him.

Willow means so much to me. She powerful, confident, determined, wise, and open to new things. I was worried about her and the pack when they fought against the demons, but I knew she would pull through. I taught her whatever she needed to know about spirits. Haley trains her now and although Willow tells me, she's tired and exhausted she still does what she has to do. Shell be an amazing Luna for this pack.

"Stop sucking on each other's faces and let's go!", Haley yelled for the other side of our door and the whole mood changed

"That's your best friend", Victor pointed letting go of me and putting on his jacket

"Come on, put your little friend in your pants Beta!", Becks yelled, Victor sighed and blushed

"And that's your best friend", I replied smiled as he helped me put on my jacket. We got downstairs, where the twins, Jane, Chasidy, Melissa, Becks and Haley waited

"Hi Grandma!", Melissa greeted and I smiled she's just adorable!!

"Hi Munchkin!", I greeted hugging her and we went on our way outside. We got in the cars, I made sure Melissa was stripped in good, then we rode off. The twins and their mates rode in the car behind us, and we rode in the first car.

Willow's POV- 1 hour earlier....

I'm already here at the theater, we had to come early for last practice. We practiced nonstop then we had a thirty minute break before the show. Jamie drove me to the theater and has stayed watching me practice. Matt and Eli are here too for Cassie and Anna. I didn't know what was our ballet piece was about, but Anna looked absolutely adorable.

She wore all pink, sparkling, features, strings, and clothes. She looked like a fairy.... I think she was a fairy. Cassie had on all green, her tutu was more downward, her sleeves and stockings had fake vines and flowers on it. Her hair was in a bun with a flower crown around it. I think she was a tree. I dressed in all white, tutu was outward, even my ballet slippers were white. I think I was a dove or maybe an angel or whatever. Ms. Grant says this is a piece about nature, but I just want to get this over with. I like dancing, but not ballet

"Hey, got you some food and something to drink", Jamie greeted as we left the stage for our thirty minute break. The guys were already sitting in the seats in the audience. I ran up to him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around him

"Okay, keep it pg-13", Cassie said sitting next to Matt

"What's wrong?", Jamie asked frowning and I shook my head

"It's cold up there, you're warm", I spoke laying my head in his neck and he smiled "what kind of food did you get me?". He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat

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