Part 1

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"It's one month of talk, but we already act like a couple, everyone thinks we'll dating"


"You and Daiki are so cute together, why haven't you two gotten together yet, you two already act like a couple," you smiled at the words Satsuki was telling you.

Your phone lit up, showing your wallpaper of you and him. You got a message and check it was from "hubby <3" still on call with Satsuki,

"He texted me," she laughed at how your voice changed when you announced who texted you.

"It's your hubby isn't it," teasing you when she found out your contact name for him, you turned pink from her comment.

As you read his message, you felt a part of you fade away, tears threatened to leave your eyes, unsure how to take it in.

Mumbling a quick bye to Satsuki you ended the call before she could even respond.

You got several calls from her as she tried to ask you about your sudden actions. You ignored her calls and focused on the text you were reading, what felt like forever you finally answered his text message.


Aomine Daiki (hubby <3) :
Hey Y/n, I want to thank you for the past month, you made me the happiest in a month than anyone has in years.. We've done so much together in such little time, you're always so cute and adorable, you get so shy and you turn so red.. But I can't help think, that us, maybe we won't work out, I don't want you thinking you're not worth it, because if anything it's me, I don't deserve someone like you.. You're amazing in every way possible, but I think we're two very different people, and I do see us in a relationship at one point, but I'm afraid I don't see us together forever, I want something that will last forever, unfortunately I don't see it with you now.. Maybe the future will hold something better for us, but as of now, I want to figure out what I want in a relationship, I don't want to lead you on, and it is never will be my intention to, but I don't want to accidentally hurt you.. You're someone very important to me and will always be, but as of now I think we should take a break apart.. I'm sorry Y/N

Y/n : 
Daiki.. Don't be sorry, you've given me the most memorable memories that I'll cherish forever in this past month, but I know that someone must have something to you, for you to think all this.. I'm sorry I can't be the one to give you everything that you wanted.. You're a great person Aomine Daiki, don't doubt yourself, I do hope that maybe we're lovers who met at the wrong time.. I'll always love you my hubby <3


tears streamed down your face as you watch the paragraph send to your lover.


*memory flashback*


"Opposite attracts is a special type of love my little dumpling," your grandma told little y/n, you watched her tell stories with big sparkling eyes.

"Grandma, what if they're very different," little y/n asked curiously tilting her head to the side.

"Well if they're very different, then they haven't communicated to each other properly,"

Little y/n started to tear up, "but grandma what if they are very, very different," grandma eyes softened at the sight of your teary face, "then maybe they're lovers who met at the wrong time,"

"Y/n, say goodbye to grandma we're going home," your parents entered the room with your baby sister in their arms..


*memory ends*


*notification ping*


Aomine Daiki (hubby <3) :
I'm truly sorry Y/n, I genuinely like you, and every time I told you I loved you, I meant it, I hope we can still be friends

Y/n :
I'm sorry too, but I'd love to stay friends with you..


Using the term 'friends' was unbearable, but you weren't ready to lose him all at once, you turned off your phone, throwing it across your room.

"I don't want to just be friends, staying friends with you might even be more painful," you curled up into a ball, hugging your knees to your chest, crying your heart out. You cried for hours before slowly your consciousness took over you. You held onto the necklace he had gifted you, clutching onto it as if your life depended on it. Even in your sleep, your grip on the necklace didn't loosen, you tossed and turned in your sleep, whimpering and mumbling his name. You heard your bedroom door open but you were exhausted and didn't want to see who it was.

"Oh, Y/n, what did he do to you," a familiar voice you recognised right away, it was Satsuki.

Placing her hand onto your forehead she gasped, "Oh no, you're coming down with a fever," you felt numb and didn't even realise how your body was heating up and how you were shivering.

Oh Y/n don't tell me you believe those stupid words that stupid Aomine said. Placing a cold towel on her head and covering her with her blanket, I dialled his number. Pick up.. Pick up..

The phone call went straight to voice mail and I sighed, I knew it, he was hurting just as much and he shut off his phone.

Checking to see that Y/n had finally relaxed and was in a deep sleep, I noticed her puffy eyes, she's been crying for hours. You better have a good reason for doing this to her Dai-chan.. and to yourself.

I picked up my things and headed out, since it was late at night almost morning, no transport was available, forcing me to walk in the cold to Dai-chan's place.

Finally arriving I opened the door noticing it was slightly open, quite concerned because Aomine is usually much more careful.

I heard sounds..

958 words
Is this too many words.

Sorry if it was alot.

But can I have your opinions, please try to be nice, I appreciate feedback, but being quite sensitive, if you could try to be careful with your words.

I'll try to post again soon

daikiikhu <3

Leading U On | Aomine x Y/nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن