When You Get Kidnapped

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Okay, first off i'm going to do this chapter. THEN I will do the When They Realize They Love You.   ~Thank You for the ideas!


Hmm, it seems you were locked up in someone's basement. Why or how you may ask? Well... You weren't very sure. All you knew was that you were most defiantly kidnapped, yes... Or else this is some kind of dream. Anyways, so you were trying to find a way out of this place, with no success though. You sighed and sat down on a random object, which was a barrel. That was when you heard the basement door open. You looked over to see, and it was the kidnapper... How nice. ( That was sarcasm. Just letting you know, IT WAS NOT REALLY NICE! O.O ) The kidnapper had no weapon, wow, was this guy an idiot? Well, you had just decided to watch the kidnapper walk around to search for you, even though you were there and not even hiding. Once he saw you he said,"Get over here, right now." He said, you just stayed in your spot,"Why would I need to listen to you?" You asked, and then something surprised you, the kidnapper DID have a weapon, it was a gun. "I will kill you if you don't, now hurry up." You decided to take a wiser choice and stood up to walk over. Though before anything had happened, YET ANOTHER THING UNEXPECTED HAD HAPPENED! You could see, that Zalgo had came out of nowhere, and had somehow been behind the guy. The guy didn't even notice, he was to busy trying to get you to come over to him. Right when the guy was getting fed up and trying to get you to go over to him, Zalgo killed him just like that... He didn't even touch him. That's when Zalgo looked to you and said,"Okay, now that. That is over with lets go."  He said, turning around and leaving. You just followed, no questions asked.

The Seedeater

Ah, it was just a normal day in a normal... Well, not very normal world. You were just taking a walk, humming silently to yourself. You were walking in a new trail, this one went around the graveyards. ( Sorry if you do not like graveyards. ) You decided to take a new route, though you didn't know that you were going to experience some more crazy stuff. You felt as if there was someone watching you, you could just sense it. You had looked behind you, but no one had been there, so you just kept your guard up. You heard footsteps behind you, they were quick, and before you could even look... Everything went black. You had just now came back to consciousness. You looked around at your surroundings, and had noticed that you were in a dark room. You had tried to move, but were chained up on the wall. All you heard was silence... And guess what else you heard?... Silence. It was like that for awhile, almost felt like hours. You were thinking about what you should do to possibly escape. What cut you out of your thoughts was a noise of something smashing in the other room, and a loud scream of a man. Then the door creaked open, and a familiar face had came in... Seedeater? Seedeater came up to you, and removed you from your chains, though your arms felt weak, you could still stand. You looked at Seedeater, and then he spoke,"So this is where you were..." You were still confused, but decided to ask later.

The Rake

Today, lets just say that you found yourself tied upside down dangling from the ceiling and that there was a madwoman talking nonsense at the moment. You remembered that you woke up like this, how did it even happen? This situation was all strange to you... All blood was rushing to your head, and it was not very enjoyable. You silently sighed,'What in the world am I supposed to do right now?' You thought to yourself. Though your questions were cut off when you saw The Rake outside on of the windows. The woman didn't see him though, thank goodness. You had seen she left the window open, so he had gotten in with ease. Once he was in, he had gotten in a attack position and with a screech, he had pounced the woman and attacked her. He clawed, and clawed, till you couldn't even recognize the corpse as a woman anymore. You really didn't really care at the moment. You just want to not be hanging from the ceiling now, and so The Rake had freed you from your um... Hangyness. You two exchanged looks, then just walked out.

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