Yet another meeting...

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Trust me, this is the last hostile behavior, then it changes~


Well, you were not sure as to what you should think... You were confused, and slightly creeped, yet hey... It's more interesting now. You decided that you should probably NOT stay, cause you do not think it would be such a great idea. ( Clever~! ) Hmm, where would you stay though? You could try your friends, nah, they would not believe you. Maybe... Wait, no! ( Oh, fine then... ) Why should you leave because of this!? Nope! You are not doing that! You sat down on your bed ( Unless you are like me... ) and stay seated, your arms crossed, you then heard a knock on your door, you got up and opened the door, it was F/N! "Oh, hello F/N." You said, and your friend smiled "Hello Y/N! I wanted you to come to my house for a sleep-over!" She said excitedly, you decided "Well... Okay, I guess I can do that!" You agreed to go over and sleep-over. *To the time you get there~* You got to your friends house, and knocked on the door, the door opened and you saw F/N, and she joyfully let you inside. "So, what should we do?" You asked your friend. "I got it! Let's watch some videos!" She said, and ran to her phone/laptop/whatever... Anyways, she got it and found some videos, and came over ( Or you go over there ) "Sorry, it seems we can only watch a small amount of videos, so." She randomly picks a letter, and it was a Z ( You should know where this is heading... ) Then another was A, she looked at the results "Hmm~ I am going to pick a random result." She picks the Zalgo Invocation. You guys were watching, and she couldn't hear it very much, so she turned it up, you guys watch it fully, and after it ended F/N said "Um, okay, let's watch another video!" *To when you rest~* You were having an okay dream, until you heard a crash, then you jolted up. You scanned the room for any living presence, and decided to grab something to protect yourself, you went and found a lamp, hey, it was something. You got to your feet and, and looked for where the crash came from, you saw in the kitchen the a glass plate fell, and you swear you see a figure there facing their back to you, though, they turned around, you remember the figure, those red glowing eyes, and the horns... Somehow, not even a second later, they were right in front of you, and they took the lamp right from your hands, and looked at it, before the lamp melted... O_O. Then, they looked at you, and you could see them reach at you with their clawed hand... Wait, clawed hand!? You were about to run- Click. The light turned on, and your friend was at the light switch, you saw that whomever was in front of you was gone. "Okay, I need to ask some questions, one: Why is a plate broken? two: Who the flip did I see? three: What is that stuff on the floor?" She pointed to the melted lamp, and you explained the whole thing. ( Longness, yes! )

The Seedeater

After that attack, you knew you were not safe ever, it has your scent, and now you have to be ready. You made sure you had some protection, it was a F/W ( F/W = Favorite weapon. I like chainsaws, but, onward! ) You made sure you could have it near you, always sure to be alert more, you knew it would come back, it was Whatever time is late to you~ Phew, it is late, you decided to check everything, it was fine, and normal, you made sure your door was locked, and layed down, and slowly fell to a nice, light sleep. You woke up an hour later, and heard something clicking around, you sat up and yawned quietly ( Unless you yawn loud. ) and got up, you heard a smash of something glass or clay breaking, you grabbed your F/W, and bravely set to the noise, it came from the kitchen. You quietly walked into the kitchen, well, not in it but close to it, and looked in. Oh my... It was that creature again, what could he be doing, he- Sniff Sniff ( I don't know why but I chuckled right then. ) Aww shiz, he can smell you, he turned right towards you, with a low growl. You readied your F/W, and then the creature charged forth at you, and you swung/shot him with your F/W, but he dodged, O_O. You immediately were pounced on, but you still had your weapon, so you swung/shot at him, this time you hit his shoulder, and he hissed, though he swung his claws right into your face ( Ouch... ) then he moved back, and looks at the F/W, before going out the way he came. You were very confused, did he just walk away like that? You got up, your face was bleeding alot. 'I should hurry and make sure I don't bleed out.' And so you did so.

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