First Meeting

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ZALGO ( He won't be in human form! )

You were on the computer, but it was starting to glitch out. Your tabs kept closing and you would see another new document on the computer. You would try to throw it in the recycle bin cause it could be a virus. You were getting mad cause you were doing one of your favorite things and then the tab shut off. And there was yet ANOTHER document! You decided to click on the document named "000BC_HE_999" Once you clicked on it the screen turned black, you thought something was wrong. " I AM SUCH AN IDIOT! " You shouted to yourself, then the screen started to show a familiar show. " Coarage The cowardly dog show! Starring Courage The Cowardly Dog!" As it started to play, you decided to watch it. It was normal at first, but something was off. Courage was looking sad, he was in the living room. Nobody was there besides him, usally he would be in Muriel's lap. But she wasn't there, nor Ustice ( I Do Not Know How To Spell His Name ) Courage went into the kitchen, next to his dog bowl, empty, tears started to fall. Soon his body started to thin, showing his ribs, he started to whimper. Outside the window of his house, the sky was red, the clouds were black. Courage started to whisper something, soon got louder, and then loud enough that you heard him. He was starting to yell it, then scream it he was saying " He Comes! " That's when the computer shut off. Guess what? You're not alone...

Seedeater ( Not in human form! )

You were taking a walk, not knowing what else to do. You were humming a tune you heared and it was stuck in your head. You were walking past an old broken down building, you looked at the building. You could see something moving in the shadows. You decided not to go there, cause you don't know what is in the shadows. So you kept walking, you heard some leaves crunch so you turned your head, nothing was there. You felt as if someone was, watching you and following you. You were starting to walk faster, and so did whatever was following you. You started to jog, you could hear something breathing heavily, and loud thumps getting closer. You bolted, only to be pounced on by a creature. It had a mask with stitches it was white but dirty, and only one eye hole. The eye was black with a small, red pupil. Its mane was black, and its skin was grey. It had sharp fangs, and long claws, also a tail that looked close to what a lions would look like. He growled and bit your shoulder, clawing your arms.You knew it hurt a lot and if you don't get out of this then you're dead. So you saw your arms were free so, you punched his nose. He emidiatly jumped back holding his nose, but then tried to bite you again, on the neck. But you moved, just in time to, he ran into a tree. Obviously got dizzy, so you took the chance and ran. Lukily you got away, but now he has your scent.

The Rake ( Not in human form! )

You were running in the woods, mad at your parents for kicking you out. You couldn't help but notice you were lost ( Keep track woman! Or you gonna die! Oh wait i'm writing this... ) " Oh... " You calmed down quite a bit. You climed a tree and sat on a branch and started to think about life. You noticed that the branch, was shaking, and you felt something next to you, and looked. This creature had, no hair, its skin was a light yet ruff gray, it had long claws about a foot long, its eyes seemed to be glowing white no wait that's his vision, kind of how a cats eyes would look like in a nightvision camera, it had blood on its claws. It was crouching down on the branch, seemingly just staring at you. You got off that tree and ran, problem was where? While running, you knew not to look behind you, so you didn't, you saw a lodge, smoke was coming from the chimneys. You went to the door and knocked, yet there was no answer. You looked around quickly, hoping that the creature wasn't there. Oh, lucky for you he wasn't, and you decided to barge into the lodge. Surprise surprise, no one was there. But the place was in perfect condition, even food was there! You knew you probably should stay, you realized it was your bedtime, and found a sleeping blanket and fell asleep... Little did you know, you had an intruder.

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