Next meeting

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You were still thinking about that video 'Why can't I just forget about it?' You thought, as you felt yourself lost in thought, laying down. Ever since you watched that video, you felt watched, all the time, it started to really worry you. 'what if i am not alone? No, that's ridiculous' You weren't sure if this was real or not, but, you certainly didn't like it. Then, you heared your computer started to make, weird sounds, as if, it were shattering, you looked up. "Oh no, what happened!?" You got up as you looked at your now destroyed computer. 'How did this happen?' You thought to yourself, then you felt a presence behind you, and turned around to look, and saw something for a second... Whatever you saw, it was huge. You began getting, a little sick, and so you layed back down 'Why does my stomach hurt so much?'  You felt your stomach churn and let out a pained groan. You looked into the corner of your room, and saw a silhouette of someone... They had... Horns? And, you could tell they were looking at you, cause their eyes glowed... And were looking in your direction, before you could look at them more, they disappeared. 'Huh? But, how?' It seemed your stomach felt better now, so you got up, and, thought about what you had seen.

The Seedeater

You were a bit paranoid about going on walks, ever since your experience, and your wounds still had to heal, you were sitting at home/or where you stay, and it has been about five days since what happened, people say that a dog attacked you, but you knew that it was NO dog. You sat up, and leaned forward, you were in thought, unitl you heard a loud CRASH! You heard a low growl as the sound of claws scrape against the floor, you could hear something sniffing the air, you quickly got up since the wound didn't really hurt much now, though you would have anyway. You saw a closet and hid in it, BUT before you did, you grabbed a knife. You could hear something walk into the room, and it sniffing the air again, and the loud thumps walking closer to where you were hiding, you decided to clutch the knife tighter. You heard something slam into the closet door, and the sound of an annoyed growl as it threw itself in the door, the door was cracking, you could hear the wood snapping. You nearly screamed when a clawed hand came through the door, but you held it in, and then stabbed the hand. You heard a pained roar and the hand moved out, you could hear the creature walk off, after slamming the door once again, and it left.

The Rake

You woke up in the night, you heard something shuffling around ( Shuffling around! Shuffling around! Guess where that's from, I bet you can! ) You weren't sure if it was the wisest thing to look around but, you though it could be dangerous, so you looked at the direction of where you heard the noise coming from, you could see a figure moving in the darkness, but you couldn't exactly tell who or what it was. You grabbed the nearest object next to you, which happened to be a small shard of glass, and got up. As soon as you got up, everything went silent, you couldn't even hear it breath, you walked over to where you last heard the movement, but there was nothing. You were very confused, and still kept your grip on the shard, you turned to go back, only to run straight into the intruder. 'What the?'  You looked at whom you bumped into, your eyes widened 'No... Flipping... Way... O_O'  It was that creature you bumped into, staring at you with his souless eyes, it felt like an eternity until you could get your legs to move, and you bolted, until you realized you still had the shard in your hand... You turned to face the creature, only for nothing to be there.


You totally forgot about your experience, you were once again playing Minecraft, you already had a diamond, you were pretty proud of it. You were in the mines, you found a spawner, you destroyed it since you could always get EXP from your kills, or furnace, and ore, so you really didn't need to make an EXP farm. You turned around only to see a wall of diamonds behind you 'O_O Where did that come from?... FREE DIAMONDS!'  You didn't really think much about where they came from, but before you started getting the diamonds, you heard lava coming from the other side of them, you catiously went to the diamonds and picked out one... Nothing 'huh? But I could have sworn...'  Right as you were thinking, your player died, and when they died it said \Minecraft name/ hit the ground to hard. You were once again, very confused to this, then you got pretty mad at losing the diamonds, you moved your character around and saw that the forest was on fire... "Why is the forest on fire?" You shrugged at your question and saw a sign appear, it said Having fun, Y/N? You decided that... "I am going to turn this off now..." And you shut it off.

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