Chapter One: Meeting Evan

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You are walking in the woods, reading the Gothmorian Times newspaper that wrote about Sharon the princess warrior becoming the queen after Brendar the Barbarian denies becoming a queen. You then read about how the funny movie, Mean Unicorn Girls, became the number one movie in Gothmoria. You are walking, and walking, and walking until you are about to cross the bridge.

"Don't ya cross my bridge without playing a toll!" You heard a creepy voice saying these words. "Surrender your silver, or surrender your life!"

"Then show yourself, you toll both operator." You yelled at the voice.

You then see a purple troll with green hair and red and yellow eyes holding on to the sign that says Beware of troll behind him.

"Who are you?" You asked him.

"Um technically I'm a troll booth operator." He said. "Either way I've gotta collect a silver piece."

"Aw, come on, mister. I wanted to cross the bridge just to go visit the Goblet." You said to the troll.

"Letting me leave is not gonna help." Said the troll. "I've gotta collect a toll. Troll king's rules, not mine."

"Please?" You asked him, pleading him to leave. "Pretty please, pretty please with a cherry on top?"

The troll stared at you for 30 seconds because he doesn't care about anyone pleading to go cross the bridge. "Pretty. pretty please?" You continued.

"Alright, I'll make you a deal." He said. "Um, I'll play you a song, and then if you leave a donation, I'll consider the toll paid.

"Okay" You said. "Sing the song."

"Here goes" The troll set while starting the song.

He sang:

"Bridge life, bridge life
No one will pay me
No one will save me from damp pants Or flesh-eating ants
No one's afraid of me My father's ashamed of me
Bridge life, bridge life
Bridge life Bridge life
Ee-ba-be-ba-dee-ba-dee bridge
Wa-dee-der-dee-dee-ber-dee life
Once upon a time in a land far away
I don't know what happened 'Cause I'm under a bridge all day
Bridge life, bridge life
Bridge life
Smidge life

You clapped your hands because you think that the troll's song is so good.

"The song is amazing!" You said. "I didn't know you could sing very well, and I didn't know you could make songs, and you deserve to be a famous musician. Keep up the good work!"

"That was my best song." said the troll.

"Well, I agree." You said to him. "You are an amazing musician, what's your name?"

"My name is Evan" He said to you.

"Evan, that's a good name." You said. "Well my name is Y/n."

"Hi y/n, nice to meet you. Evan said. "But actually, reviews don't count as payment."

     Evan closes the bridge using a round lever.

     "By the power vested in me by the troll king, your bridge access is denied." Evan said in an angry way.

     "Aww" You said, sadly. "Now I'll never take a selfie at the Goblet!" You then walked away from the bridge because it's closed.

     "Poor girl." Said Evan as he watches you walk away. "She needs some love."

A Few Hours Later In The Bridge

Evan x Reader (The Barbarian and the Troll fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now