Chapter 5 - In The Final Night

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The few members of L'vrijburg gathered behind the gates, it was the day. The final battle, the day of glory, the final fight for the nation of L'vrijburg before achieving peace.

"If I may, gentlemen," Erin spoke. Vernilson gave a curt nod letting the man know he may speak. Erin began leading the group through a long tunnel he had dug under L'vrijburg.

"I've been grinding for a while, you see," he added. The group excitedly picked up their pace to see what Erin had for them.

As they reached the blackstone room, Vernilson opened a chest. His eyes widened as he realised what was happening, "Everyone! Run!" But it was all too late. The group of three proudly called 'the dream team' came out of the walls and began to slaughter the citizens of L'vrijburg.

Ring, ring, ring. Alexander began to feel restless, it was only a feeling, but someone he held dear was in danger. And guessing by strength, it was his brother. Where oh where could Vernilson be? The blonde curled himself up into a ball, "fuck… why can't I get out of here!" He sobbed. This feeling of helplessness was irritating, if only he could fly like his father or perhaps have half of the godly abilities of Soraine.

"Argh! Damnit!" Alexandee pulled on his hair, this was it. He's getting out of here, no matter how long he would have to run.

The newly slain citizens of L'vrijburg walked out of the campervan, Alexander in particular stared up at the walls where the traitor stood.

"You bastard Erin!" Vernilson held the blonde back, though deep down he wanted to kill those bastards right then and there. But they were now one life short, it was too much of a risk to fight them now. Vernilson looked at his brother, Alexander took a deep breath before his rage continued, he yelled in an almost crying tone, "we trusted you!"

Erin smiled as he tossed something down to Vernilson, "I found the better deal, gentleman. Also, my leader wants you to have this-" Vernilson picked up the item, he looked up in shock as he realised what it was, and such a large shard of it as well. The beautiful blue crystal reflected the light into rays of ocean blue.

"Fret not, gentlemen. For we still have our hope, we will claim these lands as ours," Vernilson turned to the group of three, excluding him. He looked at Alexander and said the words, the words that sent chills down Tobias' spine, words that would summon a god to help them. Words that haunt Alexander's dreams.

"This is an order," Verbilson reached out to Alexander's locket, he unlocked the piece of silver jewelry to place the shining shard inside, "attack the enemy team."

Floris looked in awe as he saw his uncle dash up the wall, how was any of this even possible? Alexander grabbed Eret's coat and dragged him down the wall. His silver grey eyes finally visible to the fox child.

At that moment, Floris froze. Who was this? Those… those cold eyes that have no desires, dead and hollow like a dried apple. Alexander's movements were swift, graceful even.. he wasn't fighting, he was dancing. Slashing and dodging each one of Erin's attacks, stabbing and jumping like a graceful swan. It was like the sword techniques he had taught Floris, but it was different. So much more dangerous and deadly.

Even after enemy reinforcements came, Alexander was still graceful enough to receive nothing but a scratch.

Who was he?

Alexander ran to the enemy, he held his blade forward and just moments away from the move, Vernilson yelled, "order! Potect Fundy!"

He was a god.

The blonde leapt off the walls to grab the fox child, carrying him into a lake. Explosions went off as he stood in the lake. In one hand, he held a teenager he was ordered to protect, in the other, his diamond sword.

Of what is he the god of?

Suddenly, the clear skies rumbled with loud claps of thunder. Alexander pointed his sword to the leader of his enemy, his ocean blue eyes a stark contrast to his pale skin and golden locks.

He was..

"Do not," he paused. Where was he? He was confused, but it was clear what his objective was, to protect the child.

"I'm sorry love, please step back for a moment," the blonde whispered to the child. Floris stepped away hesitantly as Alexander pointed his sword to the skies.

"Do not!"

The god of rage.

"Mess with the rage of a god!"

A large bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, leaving a circular hole in the clouds as they slowly faded away to reveal the bright blue of the sky. Listening closely, you could even hear church bells ringing as the bolt shot down, leaving a small crater in L'vrijburg.

Alexander sighed, was it time to return to the void? He could not resist the pulling anymore, "tell Vernilson, I'm in a void." He whispered to the fox, before returning to the dark void.

"Alexander!" Vernilson ran excitedly towards the empty husk, his face wiped of joy as he saw those empty, cold, and dead eyes. He brought the blonde into a tight embrace, he whispered to the boy "I'm going to get you back… I swear I will." 

Floris stared at his father embracing his uncle, his father was drenched from running to the water to escape the explosion.. and his uncle… for a moment there, he was so different.. much more.. adult-like? And he even called him love! What had just happened?

"Father.. uncle told me to tell you this," Vernilson turned his attention to his son, it was strange to hear the boy call Alexander his 'uncle', "he told me to tell you.. that he was in a void."

Vernilson patted the fox on his head, "this is quite the tricky puzzle you've left me with, Xander."

He had so many questions, so much confusion. Who was his uncle?

Who was he?

Who was father trying to retrieve?

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