Chapter One| The End

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Three Years Ago

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Three Years Ago...

I never knew what heartache was until this day.

The day I had to tell the man I loved that I no longer wanted to be with him even though it was all a lie.

I walked through the forest covering myself with a cloak allowing the darkness to hide me away.

With each step twigs cracked just like my heart.

One step, one crack.

It took all my strength for me not to cry. I had wished it would take me a long time to get to my destination but destiny was not on my side.

He was already standing by the lake bathing in the moonlight with a beautiful smile caressing his face. A smile I was soon going to destroy.

Hearing my footsteps he turned towards me as I walked to the clearing.

"Kira, my love, I have been waiting for a long time for you. Come here, I have something to show you,"

I didn't move. Confusion could be seen in his eyes as he saw my defiance.

"Kira," He stepped towards me but I quickly took a step back halting his movements.

"I don't want to see you anymore."

It went silent. It was as if the world had disappeared and it was only them staring at one another pain evident in both their eyes.

"My love, please do not joke about such things." He moved so fast that it was to late for me to step away. A warm hand was placed on my check as he softly rubbed his thumb back and forth. I felt my walls come tumbling down and I almost whispered that it was all a lie and that I loved him, but then I remembered why I was doing this.

"David let go of me." I mumbled trying to break free from his grasp but his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer.

"No, Akita stop this nonsense. What do you mean you don't want to see me anymore?"

"I mean exactly that David. I no longer wish to see you," Pain flooded his eyes almost tearing my heart in half.

Please forgive me David.

"Why Akira? We love each other, so why leave me?"

I put on a fake mask as a laugh escaped my lips. "Love you. When did I ever say I loved you David?"


"I never loved you. When can I love you when I love someone else." I uttered the horrid words staring at the trees that stood behind him unable to meet his eyes.


The grip on my waist tightened. "A-Akira please stop. I know that you love me. We may have never said it to one another but I can see it in your eyes just as you can see it in my eyes. We never needed to say those words because we already knew. You could never love another man when you love me."

A sword had pierced my heart as I laughed again.

"Akira, what is making you say these words and act as such? This is not you,"

"Just shows how much you do not know me."

"Alright, if that is the case then I want you to look directly into my eyes and say that you never loved me."

I faltered at his command but with the final strand of strength I had, I forced my gaze to him.

"I do not love you. I love another."

The pain that had clouded his eyes was gone in an instant and was replaced with a blank look.

"Then leave," His cold words took the pierced sword from my heart letting it bleed.


"Never utter that name again."

With that he turned away from me walking out of the clearing. I stared at his retreating back tears falling down my cheeks. As I caught the last sight of his shadow, I let my body fall to the ground.

I will love only you David but our love was never going to last. It was hurting those around us and would have hurt us too.

I'm sorry.

When I could no longer see him, I knew this was the end of our love story. The end of Akira's and David's hidden love story.


author's note

so...what did y'all think?
This was definitely a sad start but a happy ending is promised.
Please leave your thoughts here as I love reading comments and seeing what readers think.
Thank you for joining me on this journey and love you all.

Bye 👋🏽


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