Chapter Four| A Town's Excitement

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The morning wasn't one that I excepted

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The morning wasn't one that I excepted.

From the moment I woke up, I felt a shift in the air.

When I walked downstairs I expected the usual glares of my mother and sisters but instead they only ignored me with strange bright smiles on their faces. It was like the fight last night never even occurred. Father too seemed to be in a less stress mood today.

As I munched on my bread at the end of the table, I listened in to the excitement that seemed to crack through last night's terror. My eyes peered at every member of my family trying to understand what all this happiness was for but sadly came back empty handed with only pieces of the puzzle.

I thought to ask my father but seeing that everyone was here I decided against it afraid to break this hypnosis.

I would have to ask him later when we are alone.

"Elizabeth, Tara, make sure to put on your best dresses for when they come tomorrow morning. Outward appearance is always what a person sees first, do not forget that." Mother said gleefully.

Elizabeth and Tara lightly giggled covering their mouth with their hands sending one another mischievous glances.

"Oh mother we know how to get a man's attention." Elizabeth spoke up winking her eye.

"Elizabeth watch yourself." Father shoot a look at his eldest daughter.

"Father, I was only jesting." Father rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe this mother. I wonder if he will choose me to marry. Goodness it's almost unimaginable that something like this is even happening." Elizabeth let a wishful sigh clasping her hands together.

"I hope he chooses me. It will be like a dream come true." I turned to see Tara having the same longing look:

Both stared off into the oblivion and I felt more confused then ever but I knew better then to ask. It could just be a new family coming to meet them, but my sisters never looked this excited before.

"It must be a blessing for our family, I just know it."

"Yes Danielle, this may be a blessing but do not get your hopes up as you two aren't the only eligible maidens in this town not to mention this whole kingdom."

"Yes father, but they have visited almost all of the towns in this kingdom and he has yet to chose a girl. The chances are higher than expected."

This went on for the rest of breakfast with their eager comments and my lost stares. Father gave me a soft smile from time to time and I suddenly felt happy as well. Despite what he has told me, I know he is worried about mine and my sisters future. This was the first time in years that he seems to be at peace.

Whatever the news may be, I was glad it has brought light to our family and somehow given them hope.


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