Chapter Five| A Lucky Dress

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Night came sooner than anticipated

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Night came sooner than anticipated.

Morning came sooner than anticipated.

Everyone was in such a rush I thought I was going mad. I could see the flashes of people running down the roads of our town holding flowers and instruments of many kinds through the little window in my room.

It was the shouts of the townspeople the woke me up.

"Hurry up, the king could be here any second!"

"We need more flowers on the roads!"

"There is some trash on the road!"

"Mother I can't find my red dress!"

"I think I hear the Royal horn!"

"Grandpa that's not possible! You can't hear!"


Did I forget to mention the sun isn't even up.

A knock on my door broke my chain of thought. I turned to see my father at the door with a similar worn out look. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who is about to hit these people with a broom stick."

"The sun isn't even up dad."

"Yet they're raging bulls out there."

We shared a look and broke into laughter together. It was then that I noticed a box in his hands.

"Papa, what's that?" He held a small smile on his face as he walked over to me.

"First can you light a candle. I want you to show you something."

I nodded and lit a candle spreading more light in the room. "Now, come sit here." I sat down next to my father wanting to see what was in the box.

"Is it a gift?" Eager was clear in my voice.

"Yes but close your eyes."

"But papa..." I could see the stern look on his face making me huff. I closed my eyes and heard my father say 'good girl'. I stick out my tongue hoping he would be able to see it and a chuckle from him gave me my answer.

My legs bounced as I heard the hustling of the box. "Hurry up papa I wanna see." I whined making him chuckle once more seeing my misery.

"Akira be patient my child. Those who are patient will be rewarded with great things."

"Yes, yes, I know."

"Good now it will only take a moment longer." I could hear my father mumble and it almost made me want to peek at the surprise.

"Akira, no peeking."


What felt like forever before I finally heard the words I desired to come from his mouth. "Alright open your eyes."

My father was no longer on the bed and was instead standing in front of me holding out what appeared to be a dress.

It was magnificent.

"Papa," I stood from the bed touching the fabric cautiously afraid to damage it with my single touch.

"Do you like it?"

"Papa, I love it." It may not have been extravagant but it was truly a beautiful dress.

"I want you to have it and wear it today when the king comes Akira."

"What?" Did I hear him correctly?

"This dress belonged to my mother. It was her most prized belonging because it always brought her luck when she wore it or so she said." Father paused and looked at the dress with a sad smile.

"She never had a daughter but she gave it to me hoping that one day I would be able to give it to my daughter and pass on her luck." I stared at my father not knowing what to say.

"But why give this dress to me? Elizabeth and Tara deserve it more than I and they are you first daughters."
Father stepped closer placing his hand on my cheek moving my gaze to his.

"And you are also my daughter who I love greatly so. I want you to have this dress."

"Papa I can't,"

"Why can you not take it?"

"Because, because-" I could not get the words to escape my mouth but my father could see from my eyes what I wanted to say. He raised his other hand cupping my cheeks and placing a soft kiss to my head.

"That was never your doing my child." 

He was wrong and I knew that with my whole heart.

I don't deserve you father. I don't deserve the love you have given me.

"Now, give your father a smile and wear this dress for me."

"Okay papa." I said wanting to make my father happy.


author's note

I know it took me a few days to get this chapter out to you guys but I blame Mariana Zapata. Her books captivated me so much that I had to finish them even if it meant no sleep for me. I never knew I could like slow burn but she has a beautiful talent.

Anyways, I know everyone it waiting for the prince but I promise he is coming so... please don't kill me.

Also, what do you guys think about the new cover?

Until next time...

Bye 👋🏽


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