ayo, gotta let go

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AN: Fanart by natsonice on tumblr (yup that picture was like my sole inspiration, plus hearing the song in an under armour store while shopping with my family) 

GASP is author finally writing something that isn't angst?

haha, nope. this is what you signed up for, bitches.

TW: Implied death

Tubbo grinned, throwing his arms in the air as Tommy reflected him. Lights flashed in the night sky, music and laughter blending together into a symphony of its own. Normally, the brunette would feel a little nervous or stressed, being around so many people, but this time he only felt ecstasy.

Looking around, he spotted many familiar faces surrounding him, and paused for a moment to gaze upon his friends. Niki and Wilbur were off to the side, making weird and awkward moves, not caring about their lack of skills as they twirled around one another, grinning widely. The Dream Team were dodging around dancers, laughing their heads off as they chased one another, Bad playfully yelling at them to slow down and not get hurt. Quackity was chatting happily with Karl, occasionally sticking out his leg to trip Sapnap as the latter ran past, feigning innocence when the ravenette shouted at him in mock anger. Sam and Puffy were swaying slightly at the edge of the crowd, talking and chuckling at the antics of the younger members.

"Hey! Remember me? Your best friend?" Tubbo was snapped out of his thoughts when Tommy waved a hand in front of his face.

The brunet simply grinned. "What, you jealous I'm not giving you attention for five seconds?"

Tommy gasped, feigning hurt. "I would never. You're so clingy, Tubbo." He muttered, even as he slipped his arm through his friend's.

Tubbo only laughed, feeling lighter and happier than he ever had. "Come on!" He started to drag the blond around with him, the pair half-dancing, half-walking towards some of their friends.

"Let's fuckin' rock this party!" Tommy yelled as Purpled and Ranboo joined them. The bee-loving boy started swaying from side-to-side, waving his arms in rhythm. The other three were quick to resume dancing, Tommy complaining about how hard it was with his arm still linked to Tubbo's.

On the stage, Jack acted as DJ, flipping through different discs to the request of the partiers. When the familiar tune of Cat came on, the four teenagers slowed to match the lively pace, Tubbo closing his eyes as he was filled with nostalgia. His reminiscing was cut to a close, though, when Tommy elbowed him in the side.

"Ow! The fuck was that for?" The brunette mock-scowled, holding the spot and pretending it hurt.

"You were getting all sad an' shit." Came his response, and Tubbo raised his eyebrow.

"That's your best explanation?"

"Shut up." Tommy muttered, shoving him lightly. Tubbo grinned but let it go in favour of dancing.

"Hey Fundy!" He suddenly shouted, noticing how the fox hybrid was just lingering on the side, sipping his punch and watching the others. "Come dance with us!"

Fundy rolled his eyes, but approached them anyways. "You guys don't even know what you're doing."

Tommy just grinned mischievously. "That's what makes it so fun! Now c'mon, before I make you, bitch."

The older man sighed but begrudgingly set down his drink, making a whole show about shuffling back over, but Tubbo could see the spark in his eyes. Purpled then chose that moment to mutter, "Probably doesn't know how to dance either."

Fundy crossed his arms. "Oh, really? Why don't we go ahead and see who's better, huh?"

"You're so fucking on." Purpled pushed his arms forwards, cracking his interlocked fingers. 

"Woo! Go Purpled!" Tommy shouted encouragingly as the people around them cleared a small circle for the two. Tubbo just laughed, throwing his head back and doing a sort of shuffle as more decided to join the competition.

He felt a grin find its place on his face and it didn't seem to want to leave anytime soon, which he wasn't opposed to. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, smelling a wisp of smoke of which he could pretend was salt, just for now. Seeing the red-orange behind his eyelids as lights flashed over him, he reopened them, just in time to see Purpled perfectly execute a crazily complex dance move, effectively winning.

"Who's up for round two?" The latter yelled over the music and the chatter of the crowd, many pumping their fists and whooping in excitement.

"Come on, come on!" Tommy said, already dragging Tubbo towards the middle.

"Are you sure? I don't really know how to—"

"Shut up Tubbo and just fucking dance." The blonde interrupted.

"Alright, fine..." he muttered, but couldn't deny the rush of joy and excitement at the thought. He was quick to replicate his best friend's moves as the next song started, feeling a smile stretch across his face, blue eyes sparkling just like the other's.

Tubbo and Tommy sat on a bench, watching the pastel colours of dawn creep over the sky. The party behind them was slowly winding to a stop, but they had left a while ago.

"Tommy... Thank you so much for this." Tubbo said quietly, his voice carrying far in the still, quiet air.

His best friend turned to face him. "Anytime, Big Man. Anytime."

The brunet felt his eyes burn, and he dove straight at Tommy, hugging him tightly. Said teenager just smiled, wrapping his arms around his friend as well, though a lot more loosely. "Now who's the clingy one?" He teased softly.

"I love you, Tommy."

"I love you too, Tubbo."

Tubbo lifted his head slightly, just enough to watch as the rest of his friends started to fade as sunlight cast its rays over them. Soon enough, only Tommy was left, but the brunette could feel him quickly vanishing as well.

"Goodbye, Tubbo." The blond whispered, and just like that, Tubbo was left clinging to himself.

"Bye, Tommy. Bye." He pulled up his knees to his chest, turning to face the sunrise, and, coincidentally, the huge crater replacing his nation.

Tubbo felt a tear slide down his cheek as he tightened his arms around his legs. Once again, he was left all alone.

AN: no, you get no explanation as to why he's all alone, what happened to L'Manburg, or how everyone died.

i'll just tell you this: do NOT rely on technology to do everything right. especially if it has to do with nukes.

cough no i didnt procrastinate, cough no this isnt a draft from three months ago, cough cough cough

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