this is home

17 3 0

AN: i saw that one tiktok and started crying, here ya go :)

and now im even sadder because i cant find it anymoreeeeee aheh *wails*

okay, you get fluff/comfort/sad

shut up.

one time thing.

(guess what else's a one-time thing? yup, proofreading. that's right, these words are now YOUR problem.)

(edit: i lied. it was bugging me, okay?)

TW: Mentions of death

Quackity hesitated on the doorstep, arms held close to his chest and wings pressed tightly against his back. Muffled voices sounded through the wood, making it obvious both were home. After a few moments longer of hovering awkwardly, he took a deep breath and pushed open the door with a hand.

It creaked softly, alerting the residents of his presence. Karl and Sapnap stared at him for a few beats, falling silent. Quackity looked down, swallowing thickly, about to apologize and walk away. He opened his mouth to speak, then suddenly arms were wrapped around him and clinging on tightly.

He grinned widely, tears slipping down his face. His worries faded and his troubles could wait another day, because somehow—despite it all, despite every terrible thing he'd done—Quackity was still loved.

Technoblade lifted his head, spotting something out of the corner of his eye. He ignored it at first, deciding his reading was more important than investigating. Then the sound of crunching footsteps was heard over the crackling fire, and he thought it was better to be safe than sorry, especially if whoever out there was that close to his house.

Setting down his book (after making sure to remember his page number, of course), he made his way to the window, throwing it open. It wasn't hard to spot the lone figure shuffling through the thick snow, blindingly obvious against the pure white surrounding him.

Techno raised his eyebrows in surprise when the person lifted his head, revealing a grinning face and bright blue eyes. He moved his hand back onto the hilt of his axe, but Tommy continued approaching, and that's when Techno noticed the pile of shiny golden apples he was struggling to carry in his arms.

Breathing in the fresh air, Sam reopened his eyes, running his hands in the soft green plants he was seated on. Next to him, Ponk weaved flower crowns, braiding dandelions and white clovers with nimble fingers.

Sam sighed softly, leaning back to stare up at the puffy white clouds and pastel blue skies, reminiscing on past times when this was something they could do on a daily basis. A gentle touch startled him out of his reverie, and the creeper hybrid tilted his head to his partner as Ponk tucked an extra flower behind his ear, small yellow petals complementing the green of his hair.

They stared at one another for a moment longer, Sam with an apology on his tongue, an explanation, anything. Then Ponk's lips met his, and he felt water roll down his face, returning the kiss. Tommy, the prison, everything—None of it mattered at the moment, because he was forgiven.

Puffy sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at the stone standing tall before her. Stretching out her arm, she lightly traced the inscriptions with the tip of her finger, smiling sadly. Bittersweet tears slid out the corner of her eyes as she thought of her son.

Her stupid, stupid son.

She shook her head softly, laying down the bouquet of pale yellow daffodils in front of the grave. Thinking back to the past few days, Puffy opened her mouth, recounting stories to the memory of Dream as if he were still there, still a child excited about her latest adventure, not the cold, dead corpse of a criminal.

Elsewhere, a man lifted a finger, watching as the butterfly flapped onto it, sky blue wings splotched with black and autumn orange. Smiling softly, the man brought his hand closer to inspect it, reminded of people he'd once known.

The insect climbed around for a bit, before flying off once more, the man trailing behind it, pulling up his hood to hide vibrant green eyes. Leaving behind the white porcelain mask, half-buried in the long stalks of grass.

AN: shut up. im not fucking crying. shut up. you would be crying too if you saw the original.


*sobbing in the corner* im sad ;-;

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