1.American Werewolf in Japan

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*In Bellwood*

A stampede of citizens were evacuating in the streets from the ensuing chaos as a certain magician's large rock monster rampaged through the town. All but one. A teen in a white and green hoodie strolled through the current of people escaping.

???: Finally.

The boy smirked, lighting up his concealed face with a [Colour] light from his wrist in a flash.

Charmcaster: That's it, run! Disappear you insignificant fleas!

???: Oh! Oh! A disappearing trick!

???: Meh seen it before

Charmcaster looked up from atop her golem to see 2 dittos mocking her from a building roof as they jumped down towards her.

Charmcaster: You pest!

She cursed, raising a stone pillar from the ground engraved with pink magic symbols and sending it towards Ditto.

Ditto: Instead watch me pull a butt kickin' outta thin air!

The dittos split up again pushing each other out of the way of the incoming pillar, then proceeded to throw their partners towards the crazy lady; crashing into her with a double kick, knocking her off the largest golem.

Ditto2: Hey nice form.

Ditto4: Oh ya think?

Ditto3: *Calling out* Coulda stuck the landing better.

Ditto4: Like you could do better!

Ditto1: Heads up boys!

Ditto warned as a rocky pellet flew towards them expanding into another large stone golem.

Ditto's: SCATTER!

The dittos began to jump off the first golem burrowing into the ground below, leaving holes all over the street echoing their voices from the tunnels below as the golems claw at them.

Ditto1: Y'know I'd almost thank you for relieving my boredom lately Charmcaster.

Charmcaster: *Irritated* Huh?

Ditto2: Amen to that, I mean no many people these days are actually STUPID enough to cause trouble, in my home town no less.

Ditto3: What, Tired of getting shown up by Gwen?

Charmcaster grew more and more impatient and aggravated by the second as her eyes glowed with pink sparks.

Charmcaster: Insufferable little-

She threw her hand down into one of the holes on the ground lighting up the entirety of the surface below with magic lightning pulsing from every crevice in the street. There was a silence aside from the metal creaking in the ground... a moment passed before further away a manhole cover was lifted to reveal a 2 Ditto.

Ditto1: Oh-ho consider that nerve touched... and judging by the sound of it probably a gas main too...

Charmcaster's eyes widen as the ground surrounding her and her golems start to cave inward and the sound of pipes whistling become more apparent, she hurriedly rummages through her pouch as the whistling reaches its peak!

Ditto1&2: You wanna do the honours?

Both the Ditto's smirk in agreeance...

Ditto1: 1...

Ditto2: 2...



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