Is it wrong to power level in the dungeon?

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Waking up after last nights impromptu performance last night I woke up to find myself in a strange bed in a room I didn't recognize. Deciding that the only thing to do is just roll with eh punches I get out of bed and stretch to loosen up my muscled for the day. Once I'm limber I grab my cloths and open up the door to be met with Loki about top open the door to enter herself.

Loki: ahh damn it Y/N don't scare me like that 

sensing an opportunity to mess with her I lean against the door and smirk at her

Y/N: and what will you about it eh Pretty goddess 

I lean in close as i say her nickname and I'm pleased to see her blush a bright shade of before I step back and ask

Y/N: since you're here I'm assuming this the Famila house right?

Before Loki can reply Gareth pokes his head around the door and grans my arm pulling me into a hallway, dragging me down the hallway until we reach a large warehouse on the outskirts of a massive garden

Gareth: no doubt you be heading to the dungeon today wont you laddy

Still disorientated from the journey here i can only nod

Gareth: right so we need to get you some armor and a weapon or two

 At the mention of weapons and armor i perk right up 

Y/N: ok so id prefer light amour which is flexible so I can move fluidly and twin swords  plus a bow please Boss

Gareth looks slightly taken back by my quick recovery and decision on my agreement needs, but in the end nods to himself and walks into the warehouse, shouting back

Gareth: You really do know what you want don't ya, ok wait here ill be back in 5 minutes

True to his word Gareth appears 5 minutes later with a large crate in hand laying the contents on the grass i get my first look at my first adventuring equipment

True to his word Gareth appears 5 minutes later with a large crate in hand laying the contents on the grass i get my first look at my first adventuring equipment

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