Is it wrong to be a rising star?

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The Arena wasn't how I imagined it would look instead of a wide open space I found myself in a circular room with three pathways opposite me. As I took in my surroundings I could hear an announcer shout.

Announcer: Welcome adventurers to the first stage of the Rising star tournament to pass this stage and move onto the battle royal you must clear all three rooms of monsters and make it back here in 30 minutes or less. Don't worry if you should fail we have members of the Ganesha Familia on stand by to step in if you become close to death and with that a final word from Ganesa himself

Ganesa: I AM GANESHA!!!

Announcer: With that you may all begin!!

I prepare to run into the leftmost pathway I stop as i see a now all too familiar screen in font of me 

Y/N: Oh come on 

I mutter quietly as i read the new quest to see what it wants

"New quest received: Water Temple Rip Off, kill all the  shadows inside the different rooms inside the arena"

"Rewards: New Ability: Shadow companion , Rank D, summon a shadow version of yourself who will guard your back, will improve in functionality with rank increases"


Well I have to clear the rooms anyway and the Ability is good so I accept  I think as i direct my thoughts towards the accept option on the quest notification.

"Quest accepted , good luck hero"

Wasting no more time i dash through the left path and onto a medium sized rectangular room where I spot 15 shadowy figures flickering in and out of the shadows.

With a quick use of my OBSERVE ability i pull up there information to see if i can learn anything useful

Race: War Shadow

health: 100/100

mana: 15/15

"It is said that War shadows are the ghosts of fallen adventures that the dungeon has bought back to fight those who they once fought beside, their small mana pools are used to blend back into the shadows and move around them bursting out to ambush those who aren't expecting it. However they are still quite weal and will go down with one to two strong blows or a small magic blast  " 

Ok so they like to ambush people do they well i can do that too, with that in mind i run onto the middle of the room and shout out 

Y/N: Icy mist 

Filling the room with the damaging weather effect and listening for the telltale sounds of feet moving around or the swish of a weapon ready for ant of the shadows to make a move. Then it happens a shadow thrusts a spectral blade at the un armored part of ,y stomach forcing me to jump up into the air to avoid a rather embarrassing injury. Deciding to make the most of the opportunity i bring my leg up unleashing a devastating axe kid on the shadows head smashing it's head into the ground the force of it blowing away the remnants of the mist. The shadow beneath my feet tries one last time to get up before it falls back down and dies, taking a quick glance around I notice it wasn't the only one between the effects of the spell and the force created by me smashing a shadow into the arena floor all 14 shadows appeared to have been taken out before 2 minutes have passed. As i turn and head back down the path to the main room I hear the announcer shout.

Announcer: Incredible Y/N from the Loki Familia clears the first room in record time!!! 

I smile as I turn and walk down a new pathway deciding the far right seems right this time as i cant help but get a bad feeling from the middle path I  bet it will give me a good challenge. Honestly  if the second room is anything like the first this will be really boring, oh well the next stage will be more fun, fighting other people should offer a new experience for me 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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