Is it wrong to have my first date with a deity?

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Inside the Loki Famila house 7:pm


I stood inside my room inside the Loki Famila pacing as i figured out what to do. I still have no idea where to take Pretty Goddess tonight, after telling her about my quest and showing her my updated stats she readily agreed to tonight before she pushed me out saying she needed to get ready and to pick her up at 7:30 outside the house. To distract myself I took another look at my self in the mirror checking everything looked alright. luckily everything looked good and my new outfit was smart but not too much, perfect for my first ever date.

Y/N: Not bad if i do say so myself

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Y/N: Not bad if i do say so myself

Happy with my look i then make sure i have enough money to buy dinner at least

Y/N: Inventory

"inventory 0/100 spaces filled, current balance 2000 valis"

Ok so I have my money from the quest and the money from selling the monster cores at the guild that should be enough for a dinner and drinks at a nice but not overly posh place.

satisfied with all my preparations and with time running out i make my way to the front door of the house to wait for the Pretty goddess to arrive.

Meanwhile in Loki's room

Loki's POV

I take a quick glance at the clock on my wall and see i only have 5 mins to finish my make up before i have to meet Y/N for our date tonight, god's even thinking about it gets me excited and nervous it is my first date after all. I wonder where hell take me?

Down by the front door 7:40


Ok she's only 10 minutes late, that's fine right she's not standing ,me up, i begin to muble to myself as i panic at the thought of her changing her mind

Y/N: after all I'm only a rookie adventurer just a none really

Loki: your not no one your my hero and im really looking forward to thus date so shut up with all that negative talk and lets go

I didn't even hear her come up behind me but before I know it she's dragged me out the door and into the street.

she turns to me still holding my hand and flashes' me a bright smile that melts all my anxiety away

Loki: now the hero where are we going tonight ?

Y/N: you'll see for now lets just take a walk together see all the sights

Loki: ooh a moon light walk how romantic, your off to a good start Hero

I blush at her words and turn away as i start to walk towards the center of the city, Loki just smiles and walks next to me and we begin to talk about nothing and anything just enjoying each others company.

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