Chapter 1 Tubbo's pov

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Tw: kidnapping, swearing, yelling, abuse, bitting (not kinky you fuckers) alcohol, mentions of cigarettes, blood, angst.

This is fiction. Don't attack anyone over fiction. If any of the creators aren't comfortable with things mentioned in this story I will edit it out.

It was around noon and Tubbo had just woken
up in his outpost, Ranboo was back in Snowchester with Michel and the world was calm for now.

He walked out and saw a note on the door waiting for him. He picked it off and read it

"Dear Toby," 
He cringed at the use of his real name before remembering the only person who called him Toby was Schlatt. He read the note with more caution, as if it would explode.

"I'm back." Fuck, it was Schlatt. "I'd better see you in L'manburg by noon or you know the consequences. No armor, no weapons and no other people. See you soon.
P.S. wear a suit. You look better in one."

"Fuck!" He yelled as he put on a suit and realized that it was already noon and that he wasn't going to make it in time. He ran out the door leaving a note for Ranboo that said he was going on a walk.

As he ran down the Prime Path he passed Tommy's house and left the note he was given with a side note saying "If I'm not back in a week give this to Big Q and please look for me."

He braised himself as he walked down the path to his previous home. He took a deep breath when he saw a figure at the end of it. He checked the time. 1:30. He was dead.

The man with ram horns stood there looking at the crater.

"You're late." He observed

"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't know and over slept, and then was really far away. I'm so sorry."


Tubbo was silent. How was he supposed to respond to that. He looked at his feet noticing that he wasn't wear dress shoes but rather his snow boots, he only hopped that Schaltt didn't see that.

"Another thing," the ex dictator said, significantly more calm "why are you in boots? WHAT ABOUT A SUIT MADE YOU THINK SNOW BOOTS WERE ACCEPTABLE!!"

Well fuck. He did notice.

"I-I'm sorry si-sir" Tubbo stammered. he was scared, he didn't want to be beaten. "I had j-just woken u-up and for-forgot to grab my nice shoes. I'm sorry"

"Tsk tsk, looks like I have to teach you manners again."

Tubbo then did something he never thought he'd have to do. When Schlatt grabbed his wrist to lead him away, Tubbo bit him. He fucking bit him like an animal. Then he did the only logical thing and ran. He hoped to make it to Tommy's house and use the back exit but he had no such chance. Schlatt re-grabbed his wrist and slapped him as hard as he could.


Tubbo was scared to say the least but he knew better than to try to run again. He let himself be lead about 1,000 blocks away into a forest. There he saw it.

It was his childhood home. The one he ran away from when he was 12. It was a shit hole. The windows were boarded up, the door was half off its hinges, and the whole place smelled of alcohol and cigarettes.

Tubbo hadn't even realized that they crossed over servers but then he saw the tree where he and Tommy carved their names in near "the witch's house". No kid ever dared to go inside because it was a rumor that a terrible witch lived there. Sometimes people heard screams coming from the house, so it was said the the witch used her magic to torture any kids who went inside. The sad thing was that that was almost the truth, people would go exploring near the house at night, which was when Schlatt would beat Tubbo as a kid. Tubbo had never told anyone that that's where he lived

He was pulled out of his thoughts and into the house. It was just as bad as he remembered it. There were broken alcohol bottles everywhere and Tubbo knew that he would have to clean it all up at some point weather or not he could move without wanting to die.

Schaltt lead him into the basement. It was as blood stained and awful as he remembered. There was a small cot off to one side with a torn up pillow and the worlds shittyist torn up blanket. He was thrown back into his childhood "bedroom" with a definite crack as his face hit the floor and his nose broke. This Tubbo was ok with, if a nose brake was the worse thing that happened to him today he'd be lucky. Tubbo was expecting a lot more, he was expecting to be hit, cut, hell even electrocuted. But Schlatt did something he wasn't expecting, he left. He walked back upstairs locking the basement behind him leaving Tubbo alone in the dark.

Tubbo got up off the floor and walked over to his bed. He laid down and was ready to fall asleep when he heard a yell.


There his call was. He walked up the steeps and tried the door, it was locked, of course, Schaltt always locks the door when he leaves.

"S-sir, I can't you locked the door." Tubbo stammered

"Fine I'll unlock it, but I'd better not see you beyond that." It was clear Schlatt was already drunk and Tubbo was ready


The door was unlocked. He ran up the stairs while Schlatt went to take a nap. Tubbo knew that the front door was locked and there was no chance that he could get out that way without waking Schlatt up. He started work by picking up all the bottles and throwing then in a trash bag. He grabbed a broom to try to make a dent on all the dirt on the floor but then he heard a door open and he ran back to the stairs. He closed the door as Schlatt stumbled out of the house to go drinking again. Tubbo knew that he couldn't get out. The boards on the windows might as well have been undetachable and there was no way he could kick down the door.

He decided that he would just clean as much as he could until Schaltt got back, or until he passed out. His nose was still broken and leaking blood onto the floor but he could clean that up later. At the moment he just had to get as much done as he could, and live to see tomorrow. He swept the floor and wiped up the blood from the ground and went back to the basement. If he could make the cleaning take longer he'd have something to distract himself when he was in pain. He went to his bed and passed out hopping to wake up tomorrow.

1222 words wow this is how it going to be :) I hope you liked it this is my first ever story so see you next time

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