Chapter 4 Tommy's pov

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Tw: blood, kidnapping, crying

Tommy was shocked. His little brunette best friend could recite a code back from when they were 10, Tommy couldn't. He after about 5 minutes of wasting his time thinking it was Caesar cypher he remembered that he and Tubbo used atbash when they were younger.(for those of you who don't know atbash is a=z and so on) He was still processing what happened on that phone call and was scared for Tubbo's life and safety.

Ranboo had calmed down slightly and was no longer crying and was staring at the wall. Big Q went for a walk to think about things. And no one had told Wilbur yet because he was no where to be found.

The only thing Tommy ever knew about Tubbo's family was that they sucked ass. He smiled as he remembered the day Tubbo joined in his family.

It was Christmas morning, the SBI family was sat around the tree opening presents. They heard a small knock on the door and Tommy went to answer it since everyone else was still eating and opening gifts. He was surprised to see his little brunette best friend, even more surprised that he was bleeding and crying. He opened the door immediately to let him in and all Tubbo said to Phil was "please don't make me go back there." And that was the only conversation about Tubbo's family that ever happened. Anytime it was brought up he would avoid it and talk about something else.

Tommy was so lost in thought and memories that he didn't notice Wilbur walking up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder.

"AGHH, WILBUR WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled out in surprise.

"Haha, hi Tommy, what are you that lost in thought about?"

"Well if you were ever here you'd know, but Tubbo's been kidnapped and I'm trying to figure out where he is."

"What do you mean he's been kidnapped." The taller asked

"What the fuck do you mean, he's been kidnapped and is no where to be found."

"Oh, shit, is he ok?"

"What the fuck do you think, go talk to Big Q for more details. I have stuff to do."

Tommy walked off leaving Wilbur standing there. He walked back to his house for the first time in days.

"Hi Shroud." Tommy said as he walked in and looked at his pet spider.

He was stopped by a sound under him. He looked down to see a slip of paper similar to the one Quackity had shown them.

He picked it up and saw the note that Tubbo had left there 3 days before there was a date and a side note in his friends messy handwriting. He read the note and started crying. Not because of what was on the note but because he missed his friend and that he had been holding it in the whole time. He looked for the book where he wrote the code only to realize that he left it back in Parricide and Wilbur probably had it now.

He decided that he'd get it back tomorrow to get it. He laid on his bed to think some more and fell asleep. It had been a long day and he was tired from crying and being worried. At the moment Big Q was right, there was really nothing that they could do until they had more information. So with a lot of anxiety, Tommy fell asleep.

581 words.

Sorry this one was so short I ran out of ideas for Tommy's POV but you got a little bit of Tubbo backstory.

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