Chapter 6 Ranboo's POV

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Tw: mentions of abuse, mentions of kidnapping,

It was another day in Snowchester, it's been a week since Tubbo went missing and Ranboo missed him, but more concerning was what he had seen on that call yesterday. After Tubbo ended the call he went back home and cried, the tears burned but he didn't really care. He went to go see Michel to make sure that their son was ok and when he got into his room, Michel was sitting on his chair. His head turned when he heard Ranboo and he rushed to him.

"Boo" Said the small piglin

"Hi Michel." Replied the enderman

"Where bee?"

Ranboo's smile fell for a second "he's out for a while"


Ranboo read Michel a book and they practiced speaking for a while. It was more difficult with Michel than with an normal kid because he was a mob but it was still going well. After about an hour Ranboo went into his and Tubbo's room, however seeing a picture of him and Tubbo, he had to walk out.

He walked to Tommy's house. Tommy was sitting on the bench outside of it and staring off into space. Ranboo walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Hey Tommy, what are you thinking about?" Ranboo asked

Tommy jumped "This whole Tubbo situation, we used to live in the same town when we were little and we even went to the same school, but I have no idea where he lived or where he would be. It's so frustrating."

"We could ask Phil." Ranboo proposed

"No Phil hates me." Tommy said matter-of-factly

"I doubt that, I mean, you're still his kid."

"We all know he's always favored Techno."

"So, would it really hurt that much to talk to him?"

"Yes it would." Tommy trailed off for a minute then he yelled "WILBUR! We could talk to Wilbur, he and Techno are twins and he's bound to remember things better than me."

"So off to Wilbur we go"

They walked back to Paradise and saw Wilbur sitting on top of the van and playing his guitar. He noticed them and jumped off the roof of the van to say hi.

"Hi Tommy, hello Ranboo. How are you lot?"

"I'm doing well Wilbur how are you?" The tall enderman replied

"I'm doing well, what brings you two gentlemen to Paradise this fine afternoon?"

"Ok so," Tommy started "Tubbo's been kidnapped right, and so I was wondering if you could either tell me where Tubbo lived before he lived with us, or, if you know it, where Schlatt lived back in the city, and if worst comes to worst, where free property in the city is."

"Wow that was a lot, I don't know the answer to any of your questions and would also like to have more context please." Wilbur said

"Ok call big Q over, he knows more than I do" Tommy said

So they called Quakity over.

"Quackity, I was told to call you over because you'd know more about, whatever the hell is going on." Wilbur said

"With the whole Tubbo thing, yeah I do." Was the smaller's response 

"Great these two did a very poor job of explaining things to me."

"Hey! We just needed your help." Tommy butted in

"Whatever, child." Was Wilbur's response


"Anyway, back on track, what is going on Quackity I want to help if I can." Wilbur said

Quackity gestrued Wilbur to sit down at one of the tables and Wilbur obliged

"Tubbo's been kidnapped-"

"Well I know that much, I'm not stupid."

"Can you let me speak. Tubbo's been kidnapped by Schlatt who was brought back to the world of the living. Schlatt's been calling us through Tubbo's phone and is forcing us to watch him abuse him and we can't do anything to help because he won't tell us where he is or what's happening,"

"Holy shit" was all Wilbur had to say

"And now we need you to help us figure out where he is so we can save him" said Ranboo, chiming in for the first time

"Ok, I'll try to remember, but Techno and Phil have much better memory of that place than I do."

"But you and Schlatt were friends so you might know places he liked to hang out and where he might be." Tommy pointed out

"Ok let's get to work."

738 words

Sorry this took so long schools a bitch

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