Chapter 2 Quackity's pov

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TW: swearing, blood, abuse, yelling, broken bones

Quackity woke up early on the morning three days after Tubbo went missing out on one of his walks. Ranboo thought that Quackity had kidnapped his husband. Yeah right, like Quackity needed more problems to deal with.

He got out of bed and got ready for the day. He had woken up before dawn to be able to go on a walk to clear his head. It was strange that Tubbo had gone missing. He was one of the most reliable people to always be where you expect him to, so it was odd. All of this he thought as he walked out of his door. He went to lock it and saw a pice of paper on his door.

"Why would anyone contact me through notes? What the hell." He wondered aloud

Everyone had his phone number and that's how the communicated that or through chat. He read the note

"Drear flatty patty," He read. That meant that this was from Schlatt, but Schlatt was dead, where did this note come from.

"I'm back, I'll be at the crater of L'manburg, I'd better see you there today. Just you, don't bring anyone or any weapons or anything or he gets it."

Who was "he"? Quackity then got a text on his phone. It was from Tubbo. It was a picture of Tubbo bloody and knocked out in a blood stained corner.

Shit. Quakity rushed out of his house after seeing that. He wasn't going to get himself caught by Schlatt, but he would see what he could do to help Tubbo.

He ran to the crater taking a left so as to not be seen from the path at all, he was in a forest now. He waited for about an hour until he saw Schlatt. When the ram hybrid approached the crater Quackity started filming on his phone. He zoomed all the way in so as to see him from the other side of the crater. When he did, he saw Tubbo standing behind Schlatt in a suit, he looked as well polished as ever, you couldn't even see the evidence that he had been knocked out or abused in the last 3 days at all.


Schaltt pushed Tubbo onto the glass over the crater. The teen scrambled to protect himself as Schlatt pulled out a hammer from inside his suit.

Quackity watched, horrified. He couldn't move. Then he heard a yelp as the hammer hit Tubbo's finger breaking it, Schlatt did this 2 more times to two more fingers before Tubbo yelled


Quackity didn't know what to do, so he sat there for another minute before running off and back to Las Navadas. He had to show this to Ranboo and Tommy to try to work things out, because while he may have issues with the kid, he didn't deserve to have this happen to him and this just wasn't right. So, off to talk to his rivals about how to save their friend.

When he got back to Las Navadas, he went over to the outpost to go find Ranboo, who had been worrying his ass off the past few days, when he saw the tall teen he walked over and had an attempt to start a conversation.

"What do you want Quackity." The half enderman said "This better have something to do with Tubbo's disappearance or else I don't want to hear it."

"It does," The shorter one said "I just need you to follow me for a minute please while I go get Tommy as well. Please Ranboo I promise that this is important."

"Fine." Was the only response he got

Hey walked over to Tommy and Wilbur's inconvenience and for the first time he was happy to see that the blond was there and doing what Wilbur told him. Speaking of Wilbur, where was he? Whatever, that wasn't important right now. He and Ranboo walked over to Tommy and the blond looked up from what ever he was crafting as they approached.

"Big Q, what do you want? Ranboo what are you doing with Big Q?
I'm supper confused." The loud blond said loudly

"I need to talk to you both." The shortest one said

He lead them into Las Navadas and they sat down at a table. The two taller teens sitting opposite Quackity.

"So, what's going on?" Tommy asked

"Well, Tommy, Tubbo's gone missing and I've found him in a... rather unfortunate situation."

"What the hell does that mean" Ranboo's voice was almost a growl

"Well.... Here it's easier if I show you." He said pulling the not that had been left on his door. He handed it to the teens and they read it

"And are you sure "he" is Tubbo?" Ranboo asked looking for any amount of hope that his husband wasn't kidnapped, but was instead lost in like a forest or something.

"Yeah, because I read the note and then I get this text from Tubbo's phone." He showed them the image and they both looked a lot more panicked.


"Yeah I might join you!" Ranboo said raising his voice

"There's more." Quackity showed them the video that he took earlier that morning and a look of pure hatred was all over Tommy's face while Ranboo's was a mix of emotions.

"Why didn't you go out to help him!? WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING TO HELP BIG Q? WHAT THE FUCK!" Tommy yelled

"You heard him, I wouldn't be any help if we were both stuck in a shitty situation together, I couldn't tell anyone if I was trapped in a basement somewhere. He'd still be lost but now so would I and that really isn't helpful to anyone."

"Yeah but you could have tried to help, you could have not let.. whoever that guy is hurt Tubbo." Ranboo said

"No, Schlatt could kick my ass in a one v one with no armor or weapons." The Latino responded

"Yeah, he could. But with Tubbo there too you cloud have done something!" Tommy said

"Look, you might not agree with the choice that I made, but right now that isn't our top concern. I brought you here because I want to find a way to help him. Will you please help me do that."

Ranboo and Tommy had a silent conversation. Quackity knew that Ranboo didn't know him all that well and his trust would take time and effort to gain. Tommy, on the other hand, knew that Big Q could be fun, and also really responsible with something like this. If there was one takeaway about Quackity during the election he was not someone to be taken lightly if he didn't want to be, a fact that Quackity was willing use.

"I'm in." Tommy replied after a long silence

"Me too." Ranboo agreed, not letting Tommy do this alone as well as wanting to help Tubbo

"Wonderful, let's get to work"

1223 words damn these are consistent. The next chapter is a bit harsh so proceed with caution.

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