Chapter 3 Tubbo's pov

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Tw: broken bones, swearing, yelling, torture, abuse, guns, alcohol, blood

They got home from L'manburg. Every bone in his left hand was broken. After he yelled out for Big Q to leave he expected to be killed but no. Here they were, home, unsafe home. He was thrown back into the basement while Schlatt went to get drunk and more violent. Tubbo knew that he was going to probably break something tonight. After a few hours he heard a clatter of bottles as Schlatt most likely finished his drinking spree, and the door at the top of the stairs opened.

Schlatt walked down holding Tubbo's phone. Schlatt found Tubbo's phone the second day he was here which prompted the beating that followed and the picture that was sent to Quackity. Schlatt called someone, and put it on speaker.

"Schlatt." Quackity's voice was cold

"Face time me, right now."

"Or what."

"Or I'll make this worse tenfold."

The familiar sound of a face time call rung out around the basement. Schlatt picked up the call and Tubbo instinctively flinched at the quick movement. Schlatt then turned the phone to face the scared 17 year old. Tubbo was starting at Schlatt and the phone waiting for his next move.


"Oh, you're here too. Well that makes things better." Schlatt grabbed his gun out of his pocket "Tommy, don't go anywhere or I shoot." He said putting the against Tubbo's head.

Tubbo was used to the threats on his life but Tommy wasn't.


Schlatt moved the gun down to the palm of Tubbo's hand and fired the weapon. Blood stared gushing out of the wound as Schlatt grabbed a bottle of beer and poured it into the gunshot. Tubbo screamed in pain and tried to pull his hand away. He was immediately punched in the face.

"DON'T TRY TO PULL AWAY DUMBASS!" Schlatt yelled at him

Tommy and Quakity sat in a horrified silence as they watched their friend get abused. There was nothing that they could do.


Schlatt didn't respond with an answer, but instead laughed like a maniac. He pulled out a knife a plunged it into Tubbo's leg, making sure not to hit anything that would kill him. Tubbo muted a yelp. He did that about 12 more times, laughing more and more. He then picked Tubbo up and through him against the wall. Tubbo landed on the ground and blood stared pooling around his head. Schlatt through a bandage roll at him and walked off leaving the phone still on call and looking at the seemingly unconscious boy.

Tubbo heard the front door open and allowed himself to get up. He grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around his bleeding head, leg, and hand. They were alcohol soaked so they stung like a bitch and Tubbo hissed at the pain.

"TUBBO, ARE YOU OK!" Tommy yelled. Tubbo flinched at the loud noise.

"Y-yeah, I'll be ok." Tubbo said weakly

"What's going on Tubbo?" Quakity asked concerned.

"Well, that's hard to explain." Tubbo smiled  "but I was kidnapped however many days ago it's been and it's been relatively calm for the past few days but I was expecting this to happen sooner or later."

"What do you mean." Quakity asked. Tommy was no longer there

"I ran away when I was 12 and he wasn't able to hurt me all that much during his presidency because people would notice and that wouldn't be good for anyone. So when I saw him again I knew that this was eventually going to happen."

Tommy walked into frame with Ranboo

"Hi Ranboo." Tubbo smiled at his husband.

"TUBBO!" Ranboo yelled when he saw the state of his husband, tears rushing into his eyes

"Don't cry, big man, I'm ok."

"Tubbo, where are you? What's going on? Please tell me!" Ranboo asked

"I wish I could, however I don't feel like dying yet so I can't." Tubbo responded sadly.

"What do you mean that you don't want to die? Why would that be an issue?" Ranboo said

"He will kill me no questions asked, if I tell anyone where I am. I really wish I could."

Tubbo realized that it was now just him and his husband and Big Q and Tommy had left.

"W-why?" Ranboo was crying and there were smoke coming off and the scars becoming worse on his face.

"H-hey don't cry, please don't."

"Tubbo, why is this happening?"

"I don't know. I wish I did. Can you grab Tommy for me please."

"Y-yeah, I can."

"Thank you"

The phone was given to Tommy and Tubbo dropped his smile.

"Tommy." Tubbo said "get a pen and paper."

Tommy got those things.

"Good now, Ivnvnyvi gsv givv"

Then he hung up the call.

Try to decipher the code (hint A=Z)
828 words, shorter chapter but how y'all doing?

Have a good night or day :)

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